Tuesday, February 26, 2013

We need a salad bar

                  By Kate Ryan  


I am the type of person who likes a filling meal so I am always hungry after my meal, are you? Well if you are you will probably agree with me that we should have a salad bar in the cafeteria.  There should be a salad bar in the cafeteria because no one likes our cafeteria salad. Also, people would buy and actually eat the salad, and also the kid’s parents would like it.

A  reason why no one likes our cafeteria salad is because the dressing is not good at all and they put foods that kids don’t like or eat in it.

        On top of that a reason why people would buy and actually eat the salad if we had a salad bar is because kids can choose if they want dressing and what kind they want. For example, some people like a lot of vegetables and no dressing and some people like a lot of dressing and no vegetables.

        Do you ever notice that no one is eating our cafeteria salad? Well I have and that is why I think we should have a salad bar. I think that because kid’s parents would like it because it is good to have with your meal and it is healthy and also kids would buy lunch more so then parents would only have to make lunch for them on the weekends and they would have more time in the morning.

        If we had a salad bar in our school everyone would buy lunch so that is why I think we should have a salad bar.


  1. hey kate! YES YES YES! we do need a salad bar at joshua eaton, one with cicer salad raps from fresh city!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES YES ES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE NEED A SALAD BAR AT JOSHUA EATON ELEMENTRY SCHOOL!!!!!!

    your friend,

  2. i agree we do need a salad bar in the cafe Berch Medow or Woodend have one and i think we need one too!!!


  3. That essay is the best!!!! I like how you put a lot of examples in you essay. I agree with you I think we should have a salad bar in the cafeteria because I like salad too and it is healthy too.

  4. i like your reasons but i hink you should of explained more about why but anyway i really liked it your friend and also the birthday girl Kylie

  5. i am normally hungery after a mean too and a salad bar would totally fill me up

  6. totally agree with you and a lot of other schools have a salad bar so we should have one too!


  7. hi kate,
    i really like your idea and think you should tell mrs.fenney cause that idea is super cool and we should defintley have a salad bar at out school:)

