Tuesday, February 26, 2013

School is bad enough now they want to make changes!


          For instants we won’t be able to relax at home, also they want to shorten summer vacation they even want to make recess Shorter!

          If we have 4:30 dismissal we won’t be able to relax at home.  You wouldn’t be able to play video games or watch T.V.  There would also be no time to play outside either.  You wouldn’t really get to be with your family and that’s just wrong.

          Another unfair change is shortening summer vacation.  Summer V.K is an important part of a kids life!  You’d have to go to school almost year around.  It seems O.K but I’m telling you it would not be fun!                              

Another unfair change would be making our recess shorter.  We’ll have a ton of energy and I mean a ton!  Secondly we would be inside so much it wouldn’t be healthy. Thirdly it would take time away with friends and that’s important.

          Although if these changes were made we would probably get more phys Ed art, music and library.  They even want to have less field trips!  These field trips are extremely fun why would they take them away!?!?  If they make so many  unfair changes and almost no good changes it would be totally unfair to us kids.       

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