Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Basketball is better


He shoots he scores the crowd goes wild, he sits on base and waits for the next pitch .the first example is basket ball and the second was baseball. Don’t you see the difference of exciting and boring? If you want a boring sport baseball is the sport for you. If you want a fun sport go to the basketball court. Some reasons I think basketball is better are you have a better chance of scoring points, it is a fast sport, and get more playing time

One reason is you have a better chance of scoring hoops. In a basketball travel kids league you maybe would score 40 points.  In a kids baseball league average they score 5. So   you will feel more part of the team scoring some points. I know I feel good when I score some points.                            In basket ball you are almost always moving (except for when you are on the bench). But when you aren’t on the bench your sprinting left and right as fast as you can. Unlike baseball sitting on the bench all the time. Once again if you want a boring sport go play baseball if you want a fast and fun sport go to the basketball court.

My last reason is you get more playing time. You get more playing time because in baseball if you sit you sit half an inning that isn’t very fun. In basketball you take three maybe four minute shifts. Honestly do you want to sit on the bench for half an inning watching everyone play baseball? I know I wouldn’t want to. 
Just about all the time in basketball you can score, sprint left, and right get lots of playing time and have lots of fun. I hope I changed your mind of playing baseball to basketball if I didn’t you may want to read my story again.

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