Tuesday, February 26, 2013



I Think People Should Be Able To Sit Anywhere In The Lunchroom

By: Jocelyn D.


          Sometimes when I walk into the lunchroom I remember I have to tell my friend something but she is in a different class than I am and sits at a different table.  A lot of the time I have to tell my friend something but it’s a Wednesday and we don’t have recess that day and the next day I ALWAYS forget to tell them.  I think people should be able to sit anywhere in the lunchroom because sometimes it gets a little bit boring sitting with the same people everyday for a whole entire month, the next reason is if you sit next to people in other classes there wont be any more yelling across tables, and the last reason is you get to talk to your friends about stuff.
          I think people should be able to sit anywhere in the lunchroom because sometimes it gets a little bit boring sitting with the same people everyday for a whole month.  For example once in second grade I kept changing my seat because it got a little bit boring sitting with the same people every single day for a whole month. I change my set about every other week I think.                                                                                                I think people should be able to sit anywhere in the lunch room because if kids sit next to their friends in other classes kids won’t yell across tables.  For example, one Friday in forth grade the day before winter vacation, at lunch I got a really bad headache because of all the yelling across tables.  I was crying and ended up going home. 
          I think people should be able to sit anywhere in the lunchroom because you get to talk about stuff with your friends.  For example, once I really needed to tell my friend something and we didn’t have recess that day so after lunch I couldn’t think straight because I really wanted to tell my friend something and I kept repeating it in my head.  I really need to tell Ashley about my weekend!!!!!  I really need to tell Ashley about my weekend!!!!!
          I don’t think it’s fair that only fifth graders get to sit anywhere they want at lunch so I think third and forth graders should be able to do so too.  I don’t think first and second graders could handle it.  I used to think that sitting with the people at just my table everyday for a whole month was better but now I realized that I wanted to sit with other kids in other classes and not just my class because it gets a little bit boring sitting with the same people every month.  The reason for this is, when people sit with the people in their class they sometimes have to talk with the people in other classes and they yell across tables and it gets really loud!  I can just imagine what it would be like if people could sit next to people they want to.  I think it would be much quieter in the lunchroom.  Why can’t we just sit with who we want in other classes???  WHY?!?!?!?!?



  1. hey jocy its lizzie! luv yr essay! and yes people should be able to sit antwhere in the caf. luv yr essay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Good job! I liked your topic and i agree. One thing that i think that you can work on is you could ad more details and suporting sentances, but other than that i loved it! Ashley V.

  3. Hi I love your essay! you make a great point. I love it!


  4. I agree! We SHOULD be able to sit anywhere we want in the lunch room, especially because of the friend thing! You wrote a really good essay, but in the future you might want to add a few more details. Anyway, loved the essay!
