Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Better Cafeteria Lunch

By Tess R

As I took a tray from the lunch lady, I peeked at my food and I was a little disgusted by its appearance. The food was brown, I was about to be sick. There were two minutes left in lunch. I wouldn’t touch my food. I went home hungry, and at home I vowed never to buy lunch again because the food has a bunch of whole wheat, its getting people sick, there is a simple solution to these problems, just get a salad that’s appetizing and a soup bar.

The cafeteria should get better lunches. No one buys lunch so everyone has smaller lunch time. Therefore people who didn’t buy lunch have to eat fast. Thus now no one at all will buy lunch. The people who buy lunch don’t have to eat fast because the lunch ladies only give a salad, whatever the lunch is, a milk or juice, and fruit.

           The cafeteria should get better lunches. In addition to having to eat fast the food now has more whole wheat than the cafeteria has ever had in the food.  In other words the food is brown. The food doesn’t taste good, smell good, or look good. For example the hot dogs are rubber, and the salad is dredged with either water, or really gross salad dressing.

          The cafeteria should get better lunches. Because lunches don’t taste good people are getting sick. Once it was a normal Wednesday and I was at senior tea, one girl who was in fourth grade just bought lunch, we were in the middle of a song and she threw up. In addition to people throwing up, the school nurse has to work harder to keep that child healthy until the parent or guardian comes to get the person. Meanwhile the teachers are saying “wash your hands so you don’t get sick” well people aren’t getting sick that way. It’s because of the lunch. All of the teachers have no experience with the food because they haven’t tasted it. The cooks are making the food look healthy, (the teachers probably think its healthy) but they’re actually making the food with gross products.

          To help the school get better lunches, just donate a few dollars to some fund raisers. That way the school will have more money to make the school better with. Having more money can cure the whole wheat and reduced fat addiction, and people getting sick. With soup bars that people can buy, and salads that are edible then a lot more people will buy lunch, and I mean A LOT! If your parent or guardian has to go to work at 8:15 then they would let you buy lunch instead of making a lunch, because the parents know that the food is good and not like it is now.


  1. ilove your lead! it is very discriptive.I LOVE it!


  2. Whoa Tess, this essay is incredible!When I saw your name, I was surprised! This is a wicked, wicked, wicked good essay! You are a professinial essayist!

    Sophia McGonagle

  3. I love this essay. I can really hear your voice. Also I agree we do need better lunches and less whole grain!! I love it!

    Ana Rich

  4. Very clear. You will be a very good writer when you get older. You are very good at pulling the reader in.


  5. Tess i loved how you were so descriptive ! i really could imagine being there with that disgusting food haha :)Just wish that the ending left me with a lastin impression

  6. Tess, this is a really good essay. You are really clear and I totally agree about the school lunches.


  7. amazing essay! I completely agree with the topic. keep on writing great essays! -maddie

  8. I loved this, and totally agree with you! i wish you hadn't made some stuff up, like the hot dogs being rubber, but besides that, then it was totally great! I loved it!
