Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Worst Day of My Life


           It all started in science class with a pink slip of paper.  The dreaded “Oops” slip.  An “Oops”slip is a paper that you get if you forget to bring in or do your homework.  A single measly piece of paper that causes a fourth graders day to go bad.  They cause so much stress.  They take away half of recess and it doesn’t make homework quality work.  So teachers should not give “Oops” slips.

          For example, one Thursday when I got an “Oops” slip I could not finish my science or my reading.  Even when I finished my homework I was still stressed.  Not just me but other kids get stressed when they get them too.  Once the say “I left my homework at home’’ or “I forgot to do my homework,” they get so stressed they cannot get anything done.  For instance, the minute my science teacher Mrs. Callan said, “Then you will have to fill out an “Oops” slip I got so stressed, red, and sweaty I felt like something was clogged in my throat.  Even when she said, “Everything is going to be ok,” that did not help in the least bit.  I was a nervous nelly until my mom said it was ok.

          In addition, when you receive an “Oops” slip teachers take away recess.  Kids need recess to exercise, to keep their brains healthy and their minds clear.  With a healthy brain and a healthy mind you can work better and hopefully not get an “Oops” slip.  More importantly kids need  chill out time.  If kids don’t get chill out time their minds will be mushy and not learn anything.  Their brains become too busy, they forget and get an “Oops” slip!

In other words if you stay for recess because you got an “Oops” slip you probably will not finish your work.  Sometimes there is too much work or it is too hard.  In other words, you are so upset that you can’t go out to recess because of the “Oops” slip.

           The threat of an “Oops” slip does not help you do quality work.  For instance, you just rush through homework to get it done.   Getting it done means getting it over with which means no “Oops” slip.  Another example is in fourth grade there is so much homework we simply forget.  An honest mistake should not get you an “Oops” slip.

           In short, if “Oops” slips are a part of fourth grade, you are going to have students that are stressed, missing recess and not doing quality work!  A better way for unfinished homework to be finished is by students to do the homework the following night instead.  For these reasons “Oops” slips should be band now.


  1. Wow Declan, you're essay reminds me of when I got my first oops slip. This essay is so good! It's like you're a professinal essay writer!

    Sophia McGonagle

  2. Oops Slips are terrible! i hate them! The "nervous nelly" thing was so funny! i love that phrase! Your essay ROCKED!
