Tuesday, February 26, 2013

   dogs are awsome              by lucas fleming                                                                                                        








I think dogs are awesome because their loving, protective, playful and I have one of my own.

I think dogs are awesome because their loving.  One of the reasons I think dogs are loving is that they know when you are sad so they come over and lick you and they make you feel better. They also loving when they sleep with you and make you warm.  The last thing they do that is loving is when you get to know them they do almost everything with you like my dog watches TV with me and he watches me play video games.

I thing dogs are awesome because their so protective.  I think dogs are protective because my friend Danny always says they are and I just know.  Two of my favorite protective dogs are German Shepard’s and Labs.  My dog is pretty protective when he barks at people but he’s only a Chihuahua so he’s not as strong as he thinks he is.  

                    The last reason I think dogs are awesome is that their playful.  Ya maybe you have a turtle or a hamster but their not as playful as dogs.  I know this because my dog is playful and I heard it from some friends.

I bet your life would be better with a dog in it. 



                                    The end


  1. I like how you gave reasons that you know are true. I also like how your facts were true. I wish you gave more reasons

  2. I like how you had great folow up sentence.I hope your dog keeps you protected.

    Drew. D

  3. I like it the story went with the subject well

  4. Yeah! After reading this, i wish i had a dog!-Margaret
