Tuesday, February 26, 2013

       Recess shouldn’t be        

         Taken away  By: michael      



Have you ever had to stay in for recess?  Well us kids at Joshua Eaton have. Every time we forget our homework, we stay in. Seem unfair? Well this essay will prove it. Here are my reasons. #1 kids need exercise. #2 we need to socialize with friends. And, #3 recess is relieving.


Lets start with #1, kids need exercise. Do our teachers want us to be jumpy in class? Studies show kids need at least one hour of physical activity a day. School is six hours and thirty minutes. If we lose recess, the only physical activity we get in school is P.E. And P.E is only twice a week thirty minutes each day. So that shows we need recess. My dad was appalled by the idea to keep kids in for recess if they forgot their homework.


Also, we need to talk with friends in other classes. If we dont talk with friends we lose them. What I mean is if we don’t talk with them, we dont play with them. And before you know it your old best friend is history. So now we are losing friendships because of a good for nothing punishment. Thats not fair for us.


My last reason is recess is relieving. In school everything is stressing. Tests, MCAS, even just regular class. But at recess, no one is testing you or asking you math questions. It’s just you and your friends having fun.  No one telling you what to do or making you work on some boring sheet. Its just you doing whatever you want.


We get all this from recess and you want to take it away! Sometimes kids forget homework. But taking recess away isn’t right. This is why recess should never be taken away.




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