Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Don’t you think fiddler crabs are the best crab ever? Sure crabs are cool but a fiddler crab is even cooler. A fiddler crab has a defense claw, gills, and a carapace!       

A defense claw can fight for a mate. Also a defense claw can fall off a crab. On top of that it can defend a crab’s home. Also a defense claw can “snip and snap’’. 

Really gills are cool because a crab can go on land. On top of that it can crawl on your hand!  How is that not cool.

Also my last reason is a fiddler has a carapace so if small things hit it it’ll be okay. On top of that you can step on it and it’ll be okay. But don’t step on the crab.

This is why I think fiddler crabs are the best crab ever.  Don’t you think so to?

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