Wednesday, February 27, 2013

     10 Year Olds Should Be Able To Vote

                    By Casey W.


Don’t you think everyone deserves a say?  Ten year olds are old enough to know what’s happening in the world.  We have opinions too.  I think ten year olds should be able to vote. 

First of all, everyone should have a say no matter how old they are.  Kids are people, too.  There was a time when blacks couldn’t vote. But, they fought and got their rights.  Then, there was a time when women couldn’t vote.  But, they fought and got their rights too.  Now it’s our turn to fight and get our rights.

Second of all, ten year olds know what’s happening in the world.  Most kids knew about many major events in the world such as Hurricane Sandy.  We are old enough to watch the news and read the newspaper too.  We also study and talk about current events happening in school.

Another reason is that kids have opinions too.  We have opinions on who should be president and who should be senator.  We also have opinions on people’s rights.

Ten year olds should be able to vote. Everyone should have a say.  We are old enough to know what’s happening in the world.  Kids are people and have opinions, too.  Just remember reader, one day when ten year olds are able to vote, you’ll remember that you read my essay. And this is going to happen. I’m just sure of it.



  1. Awesome Casey! By the way this is Sean

  2. This is casey. thanks for commenting!

  3. awesome essay! i totally agree with you about how everyone should have a say. The one thing is...i loved it! i just cant explain how much i love it. i totally agree. GREAT topic.

  4. This is totally true! Have people ever thought about our opinion of the U.S. goverment?i love how you talked about how blacks and woman fought for their rights, and now it's our turn! There aren't words for how much i totally agree with this essay!!! On a scale of 1-10, your essay was an 11! You should send this to Obama! This totally rocks. Just, WOW!!!
