Sunday, June 9, 2013

Week 1: What are you reading? What do you think about it?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Minecraft is awesome!!!



Minecraft is awesome

What do you think is the most played computer game?  Well this may surprise you but it is minecraft!  Here are three reasons you should play minecraft.  First is that you can create things, second is that you try to fight through the night to survive, lastly is that you can install moods to make it better than it all ready is.

          First is that you can create almost anything.  Like a house which you could hit the sky with.  Then create a mine to the core of the earth for diamonds, iron and gold.   Also create a cobblestone generator which gives you unlimited cobblestone.  There’s more to build than that check it out for more info.

          Second is that you fight through the night to survive.  What I mean by fight through the night is that that there are hostile mobs that try to kill you; you can also kill them with different swords which you can enchant and keep on fighting till the end.

          The third is that you can install mods to make the game better than it all ready is like the explosives+ mod makes it so you have many different explosives. Well get mods there really awesome.
          Let’s kill those zombies and find those diamonds here we come minecraft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J J J J J J

      We shouldn’t have life skills



Us kids should not have life skills because it is boring.  It also ruins our P.E time and our fun.  That were supposed to have with our friends.                                                                                   It also doesn’t  give us time to play knockout  or Joshua Eaton school legends.  Or the best game cannonball cove.                                                                                                                                     It also doesn’t give us any time to exorcize.  we need MOOR exorcize it keeps our blood preacher flowing and it keeps our body tempicher at a good 97 degrees so we can stay healthy and its not called B.E fore boring education its called  P.E for physical education. AND WE CAN PLAY OTHER FUN GAMES.                                                                                              And ALL WE DO IN LIFE SKILLS IS JUST LEANING HOW TO EAT VECHDUBLES and wicked healthy foods and they really try to keep us away something like Doritos and the best chips ever sour cream and onion.   the good part is that we only have 8 boring life skills . 

And one part that is not good about regular P.E that it is only thirty minutes long. ed least  I think we should have one hour long because we need some fun In our life’s. And  school is already six hours long.  that is why we should  not have life skills.

                                       You should have a pet
                                              By Maggie G.                                              
            During the blizzard in the middle of the night my dog Jasper got scared.  He found his way upstairs and in the morning I found him lying on my parent’s bed.  I just had to lay with him! Isn’t it nice to have a pet? They are fun, all have a different personality, and even if you are allergic to pets you can still be around them.
            Everyone should have a pet because they are all lots of fun in their own way.  There has got to be the perfect pet for you.  If you like to build then maybe you could get a hamster.  They love to run around in mazes you build for them.  Also you can watch them having fun in their maze.  Some guinea pigs like to do this too.  If you like to be outside and play baseball or softball then you can get a dog and throw a ball to him or her.  Dogs love to catch balls.  It is like practicing with a dog.  Maybe if you live in a place where you can get one and you like to be outside then you could get a horse.  They like when you ride them plus it is fun.  I think playing with pets is lots of fun.
          Please get a pet but I know if you are allergic to pets then it is hard.  Something that is fun is being around pets or helping a friend with a pet even if you are allergic to them.  Maybe the pet that you want is the pet you are allergic to.  But you can still be around them.  If your neighbor or friend has a pet then you can help them with their pets.  Also you can take allergy medicine or get a hyper allergenic pet.  My uncle Tony is allergic to cats but he has two of them! He takes allergy medicine and spends time outside every day so he does not get stuffy.  Maybe if you are allergic to one kind of animal then you could get another kind.  If you are allergic to pets you can still have fun with them.                                                                             
          You should get a pet soon but I understand that you probably do not want another thing to have to do but you could get a pet that is not a very big responsibility.  You can have fun with pets and they all have a different personality.  For example dogs are a big responsibility but they are lots of fun.  There is lots of things to do with a dog.  They like to play at the park, go on walks, and they can be used as work dogs.  They also love to play. When you take care of a dog they will need food, water, and love.  Cats can be left alone for a long time.  They need food, water, and their litter box cleaned every once and a while.  So maybe if you travel a lot you could get a cat.  Cats are fun to play with too.  Hamsters need food, water, and their cage to be cleaned.  They are fun to watch.  Fish just need food and their tank cleaned.  They can be boring but fun too.
          People should have pets.  They are fun, all different, and even if you are allergic to pets you can still be around them.  And my dog jasper makes me feel lucky I have a pet.    

     10 Year Olds Should Be Able To Vote

                    By Casey W.


Don’t you think everyone deserves a say?  Ten year olds are old enough to know what’s happening in the world.  We have opinions too.  I think ten year olds should be able to vote. 

First of all, everyone should have a say no matter how old they are.  Kids are people, too.  There was a time when blacks couldn’t vote. But, they fought and got their rights.  Then, there was a time when women couldn’t vote.  But, they fought and got their rights too.  Now it’s our turn to fight and get our rights.

Second of all, ten year olds know what’s happening in the world.  Most kids knew about many major events in the world such as Hurricane Sandy.  We are old enough to watch the news and read the newspaper too.  We also study and talk about current events happening in school.

Another reason is that kids have opinions too.  We have opinions on who should be president and who should be senator.  We also have opinions on people’s rights.

Ten year olds should be able to vote. Everyone should have a say.  We are old enough to know what’s happening in the world.  Kids are people and have opinions, too.  Just remember reader, one day when ten year olds are able to vote, you’ll remember that you read my essay. And this is going to happen. I’m just sure of it.


The patriots were good enough to win the super bowl.   History has

Shown that the patriots are amazing in many ways.  One is their quarterbacks are astonishing in many ways.  Second is their coach is a guises.  And third is grounk.  It is for these three

Reasons that I think the patriots were good enough to win the super bowl.


        The first reason is that there quarterbacks are astonishing I mean really there stacked Tom Brady, Brian Hoyer.  Tom Brady’s stats are out of this world 3 super bowl wins that’s more then any active QB he has a 9to1 interception to touchdown r and he just beat Joe Montana’s record for most playoff wins.  Radices He can throw he can run he can see who’s  open 50 yards across the field there is no reason that he shouldn’t had lead his team to victory.

Second is that there coach is a genius he knows strengths and weaknesses he picks the right player in the draft he uses information from earlier in the game against the opponent he’s 6th all time with 205 wins and 3 super bowl victory will probly go to the hall of fame.

        And third is Grounk he won’t go down he’s massive standing 6foot6 225pounds of pure streath he’s the best tightend that ever played he can catch the hard passes he can run faster then anyone on the field.  If he didn’t fracture his upper arm would have won no dought.  It is for these three reasons that the patriots should’ve won super bowl 47














Don’t you think fiddler crabs are the best crab ever? Sure crabs are cool but a fiddler crab is even cooler. A fiddler crab has a defense claw, gills, and a carapace!       

A defense claw can fight for a mate. Also a defense claw can fall off a crab. On top of that it can defend a crab’s home. Also a defense claw can “snip and snap’’. 

Really gills are cool because a crab can go on land. On top of that it can crawl on your hand!  How is that not cool.

Also my last reason is a fiddler has a carapace so if small things hit it it’ll be okay. On top of that you can step on it and it’ll be okay. But don’t step on the crab.

This is why I think fiddler crabs are the best crab ever.  Don’t you think so to?

Being the oldest is most difficult

                                   By Michael C.



Being the oldest is like being tortured by the devil! especially  when you have two younger sisters. One reason is your parents expect more from you and they blame more stuff one you. One time my little sister through a sippy cup at the wall and chipped the paint my mom came down and my little sister said “Mickey did it.” So I was punished for that. Being the oldest is hard because your sisters can get whatever they want and you have to get something for a specific price. One time I wanted a lego set that was ten bucks and my mom said “no” and my sisters got a pair of boots for twenty bucks! “No fair!”

          Another reason is that you parents put extra pressure on you. Your parents put pressure on you because they want you to be the best of the best and it gets annoying after a while. Like one time I got a check on an assignment and my mom got a little mad at me. Putting pressure on you can get you nervous and mess you up and reflect on your grades. One time was absent and I missed the teaching for a test the next day and my mom got mad and she got all into it and when the test came I got nervous and I didn’t do well on it.

        Another reason is dads want you to be like them when you grow up. My dad always says “you will grow up big and strong like me.” And it gets annoying. My dad is a great dad but he sometimes he gets on my nerve.

        That is why being the oldest is most difficult.



                        THE    END


Everyone Should Go to Bed Earlier



Kids should go to bed earlier first we need lots of sleep so we will be well rested to go to school.

 Number to

Is sleep helps our bodies to


 Number 3

Our brains need to be able to take in all the stuff

Our teachers are trying to teach us.


Number 4


We have sports after school and we need the extra sleep to be at our best. If kids want to do more than others they will need ALL! There sleep.

 I  now I now kids like to stay up late to see there favorite shows’ I do to but I’ve dun some calculations and if you go to bed at 8 and wake up at 6 which is what I always do you will get 10 ours of sleep.


 I’m not just pointing this out to only kid’s adults also have to get a good amount of sleep.

 Also because sleep is the energy that keeps you going.

 If you never get a good amount of of sleep than you won’t be able to do most things that you need to do.


 I’ve said a lot in this essay so I think that it’s just about time to wrap it up this essay up but before I do I jus want to say I hop you enjoyed my essay.


                   The importance OF THE Internet


                                By Margaret F. Coles  



          Can you imagine something so smart that the second you type something in and hit the “Search” button about afferent million different options pop up? That’s the power of the Internet. Oh, the Internet. What a great it is. But why is it so great? Because you can learn from it, play games on it, and use internet applications to Email. There are tons of awesome uses for the internet, all of which are very useful, and we need the Internet for so many different reasons.

        A big part of our lives is the Internet. For example, learning! How can we learn from the Internet? By simply typing in what we desire to know, and there are pages and pages of links all about what you want to know. That’s really helpful if you’re looking something up for a project. We can look up things we just want to know for fun, or things to help us with something for school, or maybe we just don’t understand something, and wish to understand it. Learning is important for everyone, and the Internet is one of the many uses, and one of the most popular. Things on the Internet go from the time of the dinosaurs, to 100,000 years into the future. The things taught in school, for example, most of that comes of the Internet. So many, many children are learning off the Internet every day! You are never too young to start learning, and you are never too old to stop learning.

        Can’t you learn from games? Like math games, logic games, or geography games? Everyone loves games! The Internet helps us play these games. For instance, there are tons of awesome websites filled with great games. Like addicting! It has tons of addicting games like Fireboy and Watergirl, Monkey Quest, Pirate 101, Crumpled, Sky Storm, Fishy, Worm, and so many more! Other great websites include, GirlsgoGames, Funbrain, and a lot more! Maybe it’s an educational game, or maybe it’s a game for fun, but whatever type of game it is, it’s still a game, and you shouldn’t spend too much time playing it because it’s not healthy. If you play too many games, you could rot your brain. Do you REALLY want to do that to yourself?

        Have you ever thought a game was so good you wanted to Email the link to your friend? Internet applications make this possible. For instance, Gmail and Yahoo are great internet applications that allow people to send Emails to each other. How would you contact people from Korea, Germany, China, Australia, and so many other countries without visiting them or calling them without Email? You couldn’t really. Email is a really easy way to communicate with people all the way from different countries, to the people down the street. Email is so fast and simple, and the Internet makes it so easy to use. Isn’t Email truly incredible?

        Not just Email makes the Internet incredible. Cool games, awesome info, and lots more make the Internet so incredibly amazing. Isn’t learning, playing games, and Emailing each other so much fun, and doesn’t it seem so important? Without the Internet, life would be so much harder. Just think. If you didn’t have the Internet, what would YOU do?

Maya Shkolnik         Kids should have iPads in school.


“What does this mean?” “What does that mean?” That is the sound of people wondering what something means. If students have iPads, learning will go much smoother. You can look up words faster, study more easily, and you don’t have to carry around heavy books. All these things will happen if students had iPads for school use.

          All students should have iPads for school use because you can study more easily. You could search information that your teacher recommends and write it down in your notes really fast but without it would take a long time. Then you have more time for the rest of class activities. My friend has iPads in her school and her class is ahead of schedule because of the iPads. Beyond that, she can change the background, buy a case, and has a limited amount of games. Surely, isn’t that reasonable?

          In other words, all students should have an iPad for school use because you could search words really fast and not waste your lesson time. You can just search it and go on with the lesson!!! It’s that simple! Lessons could go much smoother if students had iPads because you don’t have to waste time. As proof, there was this very hard word and no one knew what it meant. We took a long time to find out what it means and turns out it was in our notes! My point is that it takes a long time to find a word in a dictionary and we could’ve used an iPad to do it. If we did, we could’ve finished the lesson.

          Students should have iPads for school use because if we had iPads, students won’t have to carry around heavy books when we travel from class to class. You could download books on the iPad and it doesn’t add the weight of another book! If you had to carry books for the whole transportation time, your back will eventually fall apart!!! Our binders are heavy enough. So we have to carry books?  We could be using the iPads and have ALL the information on it.

          Don’t you think iPads will make learning easier?  Well, it will because we will have more time to learn. Instead of getting off track, you can stay focused. This will only happen if students had iPads. If we did, we won’t be hearing “what does this mean”…




Tuesday, February 26, 2013


By: Drew Daley



     Minecraft is an annoying video game plus above all, it’s unrealistic. Indeed it is unrealistic because you break a brick instantly.  At the same time you can be in a portal in a different world. Third of all when you dig 3 bricks down you are gaurnteed to catch a squid.

      Minecraft is annoying and unrealistic because you can break a brick with a bear hand. In real  you can’t do that. You can also travel through portals to different worlds in seconds. If you can reach water level you can kill giant squid.

      Minecraft is annoying because it is addicting.  Minecraft is addicting when you start you can’t stop playing it. That’s why I didn’t start in the first place. Boys like it because if you buy a dog it may attack you so you kill the dog. People that play get frustrated when there house is not as good as there friends house.                                    

      Minecraft is over rated and in my opinion the worst video game I’ve ever seen.  Kids immediately get addicted to this video game.  Lastly, it is very unrealistic.  Why would a video game company make a game that is so unrealistic?  That’s what makes is so obnoxious!   


   dogs are awsome              by lucas fleming                                                                                                        








I think dogs are awesome because their loving, protective, playful and I have one of my own.

I think dogs are awesome because their loving.  One of the reasons I think dogs are loving is that they know when you are sad so they come over and lick you and they make you feel better. They also loving when they sleep with you and make you warm.  The last thing they do that is loving is when you get to know them they do almost everything with you like my dog watches TV with me and he watches me play video games.

I thing dogs are awesome because their so protective.  I think dogs are protective because my friend Danny always says they are and I just know.  Two of my favorite protective dogs are German Shepard’s and Labs.  My dog is pretty protective when he barks at people but he’s only a Chihuahua so he’s not as strong as he thinks he is.  

                    The last reason I think dogs are awesome is that their playful.  Ya maybe you have a turtle or a hamster but their not as playful as dogs.  I know this because my dog is playful and I heard it from some friends.

I bet your life would be better with a dog in it. 



                                    The end

No Mcas

                                                I don’t think we should have to take Mcas       




                                                            By: Ashley P.



Why do we have to take Mcas? The reasons I don’t think we should have to take Mcas is because it stresses kids out, the teachers use us and as we get older the teachers expect more from us.

            Mcas is one of those tests that you feel you have to do awesome on it but, while kids are trying to prepare for it starts to get stressful and it’s not a good stress it’s a bad one. On the day of Mcas our parents do everything to get us ready for it, like make us eat a big breakfast and make sure that we got a goodnight’s sleep and that puts even more pressure on us. So if we do bad we kind of feel horrible, because everyone helped us get ready for it.

            Another reason I don’t think we should have to take Mcas is because the teachers use us. I know the reason that we have to take Mcas is because the teachers have to see what were doing good at and bad at. But couldn’t the teachers think of an easier way instead of a test that you get so stressed out about that you feel like your brains going to roll out of your head?

            And to conclude I think we shouldn’t have to take Mcas because as we get older the teachers expect more from us. When the teachers expect more from we expect more from us. I know it’s only fourth grade the second year of taking Mcas but at the beginning of the week our teacher started talking about the scores and other things and that got us worried about how we’ll do and if we get  a good score. I know that we can’t change the rules about Mcas but I do think we can change it a little!



By: Aidan Conway

Its unfair people can’t live forever


Do you think its unfair people can’t live forever? Yes it is unfair people can’t live forever because it is heartbreaking to lose them. I remember when I lost my grand father. There not there when you need them, and you still have questions about them.                                                                                      It's heartbreaking to lose them because you feel sad a lot about it. It is also is hard to wake up and there not there. Let’s say it’s your birthday and you want to have a party with your grand father but he is not there. My grand father used to give me special stuff. He gave me my favorite book, “Where the Red Fern grows.
         There not there when you need them. They can’t teach you stuff. My grand father thought me to always try your best and believe in your self. He gave me courage and motivation. They tell you the right chooses.

You still have questions about them. How did they get threw tough times? Why did they choose the dictions they chose? And I always wanted to know why my grand father wanted to be a layer.     

        All in all it is unfair people cant live forever because it is heart breaking to lose them. It is pretty sad to lose them. There not there when you need them, and you still have questions about them. My grand father was a good man.



By: Mark Hanania


Its time to make the game plan, “first run deep down the sides then turn a small curve and get open” Adam the QB says.  So I get ready then I run down the sidelines after, I curve in, and the next thing you know “tweet” the whistle blows.  It would be better to have more recess to finish the play and other games which would give us more exercise.  Also if I got no pass that play, the extra time of recess would at least get me a pass or two.  We could also handle feelings with the extra time.  Lastly you can talk with friends not in your class.
           There should be more recess because we need more exercise.  We can get more exercise by being able to run and play more.  With this we stay healthier for everyday.  Then we get back to class.  Another way get exercise is playing more with friends and getting the energy out of us which makes us want to rest in our seats and get ready for class.  Last of all we can get other things done besides running. 
          I think there should be more recess because you will have more time to handle feelings.  First of all you are allowed to talk during recess, but if we have the same time you will just be running around the classroom asking for help.  Also you may have no good problem solvers in your class so you end up asking everybody and getting in trouble. 
             I think there should be more recess because you will have more time to talk and play with friends from other classes.  You can’t go to other classes in the middle of a lesson.  Then you will just forget what you want to say the next day.  But if we have more recess it will be easier.  Also the only other place to communicate is the bathroom and you’re not allowed to stay there too long.

These are the reasons why I want more recess.




Homework Online

                                              By: Nicole P


Do you think we should have homework online?  I do. One reason is that you don’t have to forget your homework in school or at home. It helps you better at typing, you can just send it to your teacher and it won’t be a problem.

 We should have homework online because you don’t have to forget your homework at school or at home.  For example today I forgot my homework so I had to use all my tickets to buy a homework pass and you don’t have to put anything in your binder except for your important papers.   Another thing is that you don’t get oops slips unless you don’t do your homework.

          We should have homework online because it people just cant type fast and it helps little kids lean to helps you get better at typing.  It helps because some type.  You can also get a head start in typing to.  There’s also a thing in our school called a type writer.  But that’s for older kids.  It helps you now how to do spaces, numbers and your name.

          We should have homework online because you don’t have to jam it in your binder you can just send it to your teacher and when your teachers done with it she can send it back to you.  It wont get wrinkles at all.  That’s why we should have homework online.



 By Maddie Y.


                     More Recess makes a difference.

        I remember the days where we could go outside two times at school. That was when I was in kindergarten to second grade. That doesn’t happen when you are in fourth grade, which I am in. More recess is great because you get a lot of exercise, teachers have more time to correct the work that they don’t have time to do, and finally, we get to spend more time with friends.

        More recess makes a difference because we get a lot of exercise. When I was in second to third grade would, sometimes the   teachers would take us outside to play kickball. You don’t know it, but while you are outside having a good time, you are still getting a great exercise. Although, kickball isn’t the only way to get good exercise, you could play tag, or just run around for fun. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you are having a good time.

        More recess makes a difference because the teachers have more time to correct the work that they don’t have time to do. One time while I was in second grade we had test on a Tuesday, my teacher said we would get them back on Thursday, but we ended up getting them back two weeks later. This change in the school day is better for students and teachers.

        More recess makes a difference because we get to spend more time with friends. Some of my best friends are in other classes and we pretty much never get to talk to each other. If we had more recess this wouldn’t be such a problem. I know there is such thing as play dates, but kids these days are really busy. I might not be, but some kids really are.

        All of these reasons have a meaning and all kids can relate to them. Let’s hope it even happens.

You should try skiing

By Sean W
I think that you should try skiing. There are many reasons I think this including that it is fun, easy to do, and you can take amazing risks.

          I manly think that it is fun because you can catch snow flakes on your tongue which at least I think every body loves.  And of course you can speed down a hill, but there is still something that is even better which is that you can do amazing jumps on special jump hills.

          I also think that it is easy to do .I think this because all you have to do is shift your body weight side to side, you can do different levels including beginner, intermediate, black diamond , double black diamonds, but don’t forget the caution hill’s ,  you also can learn at your own pace you  which can help you.

          Skiing also allows you to take every day risks or huge risks that could hurt you.  One small risk example is falling and hurting your leg, But there are also huge risks like a huge avalanche that is happening while you are skiing or even doing the caution hills that could get you a one way ticket to the hospital but you don’t have to be worried because that is very rare on the regular hill’s like Bradford hill.

          So if you liked this I promise you will like skiing 100 times more that is if you like taking risks, having fun, and don’t forget it is super easy.  So let’s hope I will see you at the hill!



Sports at School
by Dan

Have you ever noticed how many kids do nothing at recess?  Those are the kids who don’t want slides and swings.  Those are the kids who want sports.  I think there should be sports at recess.  It would be good exercise, for one.  Some kids don’t use the existing playground, and we have great fields that we’re not even allowed on!  I think many kids would enjoy sports at recess.

Sports at recess would mean more exercise for the kids.  In America childhood obesity is a huge problem.  In addition to that, you’re supposed to play sixty minutes every day, and most kids don’t.  Plus, it helps them get their energy out, so they’re calmer during actual school time.

Lots of kids don’t use the existing play structure.  I think the playground is directed at the younger kids, and by the time you’re in 4th and 5th grade, you’re not really amused by racing down the slides and jumping off the swings.  Saying this, the sports should be for the upper grades only.

Then there are the unused fields.  We have good fields just sitting there, untouched.  The “field” that kids play on now is basically a dirt parking lot.  What’s even the point of having fields if we’re not allowed on them?

My solution: at the beginning of the day, kids can sign up to play a sport at recess.  There can be a new sport every day, i.e., today’s sport is baseball, today’s sport is football, and so on.   Since there are four teachers at each recess, two can go down on the field and two can stay on the playground.  I think sports at recess is a good idea, and I hope you agree.


School Sports

 By Robert

        Have you ever wondered how hard it is to go a whole recess with no sports that you like?  What if kids like soccer or baseball instead of football?  We can’t go on the lower field so the only game we can play is football. So why should we sit there on the swings doing nothing. So step up and give kids the opportunity to play sports they like at recess.  But physical sports should layout, because people don’t want more kids with broken arms. 

Getting sports at recess could get the extra energy out of kids.  Let’s say there is a teacher that has a problem with a kid that has too much energy that they need to get out.  So if we had extra sports at school they wouldn’t be at all distraction.  And maybe if we are calm enough we could get back yummy deserts or ice cream at lunch.

Speaking of lunch, you know how a lot of kids sit alone at a table.  Well if e had school sports that problem would be no more because when they play the games they want to they will find more friends and not be lonely at lunch.  And, if people have lots of friends they will have lots of friends it would make school a lot more fun like I know this kid who didn’t have many friends until he joined a jeep class and now has a lot of friends.  Another thing is it makes kids a lot more social than they use to. 

Another thing that school sports could help with is less people would be bored and could pay attention when someone is saying something important or giving directions so bored kids wouldn’t have to be bored as much.

All in all sports can help by getting extra energy out, makes kids pay attention, and be social. So school sports would work out great. And kids wouldn’t be bored at recess.

MORE ART!!!!!!

By Ella R

Today I realized that art is to short. I was so happy with my self for setting a goal for my
project! But than the art teacher said “I need your project by the end of next week. That put so much pressure on me. I Wanted to scream that was how mad I was!! It felt as if all my hard work got thrown in the trash. Art is good and should be longer because it helps kids express them self, builds creative thinking and we should definitely do more challenging projects.

          Art helps kids express them self by being able to let their feelings out. You can express your feelings by if you are sad than you could draw a stormy night.  Or if you are happy than you could draw a smiley face. That is why art helps you express your self.

Also art helps kid’s builds creative thinking. It helps kinds believe that they can do anything with clay or something. It also helps kids push them self to do their very best.  Also you get to use many materials like clay, markers, paint, crayons ect.

The last reason is that we should do more challenging projects. Doing more projects can increase the learning of art. And besides how would not want to try harder in life. So I hope that how is ever reading this agrees with me that art is 2 times a week. And a solution can be to have it as a jeep class with Mrs. H or Mrs. D.

The End
























My Auntie is the best Auntie
By Julian Wise
          My Auntie is the best Auntie because she gives me big gifts, takes me on trips and invites me to her cape house every weekend we have a Monday off. 
My Auntie is the best Auntie because she gives me big gifts.  For example I tell her not to give me any gifts for Christmas because she always gives me a trip, but she always gives me other gifts anyway.  Over the years she has given me three I pods (one I pod nano and two I pod touches).  My Auntie also gives me trips on top of everything.   
          My Auntie is the best Auntie because she takes me on trips.  For example she has taken me to Purto Rico twice.  She has also taken me to the Dimocin Republic once.  When I am with her she’s pays for my dinner. 
          My auntie is the best auntie because she invites me to her cape house every long weekend.  She pays for my room. She also pays for my dinner.  She invites me to her beach when it’s hot out. 
          Everybody should have an auntie like mine.  Maybe some day everybody will have an auntie like mine.