Thursday, March 1, 2012

Your Life By: Brynn S

Live your own life not someone else’s. Imagine if everyone was the same. There would be no excitement. That’s what is slowly happening in the world. We are losing individuals one by one. The world is getting more and more boring. Once a teenager turns into an adult, they lose their childish ways. I’m not saying grownups are boring, they are very cool. It’s just that sometimes when they get older; they get more into work, and forget their purpose in the world. Everyone (even kids) has a part in the world, and only they can live their part.

Live your own life not someone else’s, because sometime down the road, they’re going to lead you down a bad alley. If you follow someone, eventually, they will turn and do something bad. Even your best and nicest friend can do it. They might say sorry, but even if they do, just try not to copy that bad choice they made. I think that everyone once was nice. Then, one person did something bad, so someone else decided to be bad, too. Some people do have the strength to resist, sometimes even fight back. That’s what my friend was doing in this story. Her friends were talking bad about another classmate who was not there. She kept on saying to stop, but they wouldn’t. What I’m trying to say is that people can do bad things. Either it’s as simple as talking about someone behind their backs, or even drinking and smoking illegally. Luckily, I’m only at the age where people talk about each other like in the past story, and in this one. One time, when I was in the car with two friends, they were talking about a classmate. I should’ve told them to stop but I didn’t. They were talking about something she had done the day before. This made me think that people have not learned that you can make them stop. Or at least try. People just assume they will get caught, and the adult will tell them to stop, but its not like adults have super vision. You have power to, especially if they are your good friends. That brings me this next story. My mom works at a school, so one day when she was in the teachers lounge eating lunch, her co-workers were talking about each other. That story proves that grownups won’t always catch kids, because they make the mistake of being mean, too. Everyone does make the mistake; you just need to not follow that move.

Live your own life not someone else’s because everyone has a talent, you don’t need to use someone else’s. You have a talent, whether it’s swimming, piano, or even juggling muffins while standing on your head. Whatever it is, use it. Everyone has experiences where everyone else is doing something else, and you want to because it will make you popular. You just need to fight the urge, and stay with your own talent. My mom had this situation, but sadly she didn’t fight it.

She was awesome at the clarinet when she was a kid. No one played the clarinet, though. they all were cheerleaders. My mom wanted to be like them, but she also wanted to play the clarinet. There were cheerleader tryouts coming up so she had a decision to make. Should she do cheerleading, or clarinet? She finally decided to do cheerleading. She still is mad about her decision to this day. My point is that if my mom would’ve chose clarinet, what she was very good at, she could’ve had a great time. Sometimes this situation happens when your friends are all doing something (like my mom’s story) or it happens with your thoughts. Sometimes you feel like if you don’t do this, or do that, you will be not liked. That’s what happened to my friend in this story.

Are school has a talent show every year and she was going to be in it this year. She wanted to sing, but everyone was into dance this year. She felt like if she sung, the popular girls were going to come up to her, and tease her. So she did a dance just like them. You need to use your own talent, and even if people make fun of you, your true friends will stick by your side. You might think if you do the more common talent you will be considered “popular” but you need to use your own talent. If you do, people will become more impressed. That leads me to this quote; “Show Your True Color” which makes me think everyone’s talent is their color. Everyone has a different color, so if everyone shines their color, there will be a rainbow. You need to use your own talent, and you will be beautiful.

Live your own life not someone else’s, because you need to make your own decision, unless you want your life to be very boring. I know you were probably depending on your parents to make your decisions; but no, you need to make your own. You might even follow someone else’s decision, like your friend. But you shouldn’t. For example, the quote, “life is too short to be someone else,” makes me feel that people should not follow the decisions of others. You’re not going to get anywhere in the world doing someone else’s job. You need time to figure out your life decision; but, this survey showed how many people wanted to chose their own direction: 20 out of 21 kids wanted to choose their own path. This makes me think that people should really think about their life’s direction. If this many people want to choose their own way, then they should start thinking about it now.

Don’t follow role models; instead use them as a guide. Everyone has a role model. Don’t get me wrong, you should have one. All I’m trying to say is that your role model should not be your life. Everyone has an idol too. But even idols do bad things. Your idol will eventually do something bad, just as happened in this story:

My idol was Miley Cyrus. Just like a lot of people I was let down. When I was five Miley Cyrus was my life. Miley Cyrus pencils and t-shirts - the Hannah Montana show was on every minute. But she was not as good as she seemed. She had a tattoo and did some drugs. That’s when her show went off the air. Miley Cyrus made a mistake. You never should follow the mistakes of others. If you follow someone, you’ll forget about who you are. Every time I see a psycho-fan of a pop star, I think, “Where are they going to end up?” They are following the pop star too closely. The fan probably used to be cool, kind, and independent. Now they depend on their pop star to answer questions. That just makes me sad. Try to be yourself. When you follow someone else you forget about reality and once you’re idol falls you’ll be left out there in the dust. This quote, “Don’t be someone you’re not,” makes me think that people should not do everything their idol does. Every time someone follows their idols exact actions we lose another individual in the world.

If you listened to my essay, then you can see my point. You need to be your own person so we won’t lose all of our individuals. You should take my advice so you won’t be the one left out in the dust. that is my essay, and remember to be yourself!

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