Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Assumptions by Writerman AL 1

When I came to notice that judging is becoming such a big problem was a couple of years ago when I went to the Dolbare School in Wakefield, MA. It was when somebody judged me about my vision and man being judged does not feel good. When people judge you too fast and they haven’t given you a chance. You feel cheated out of a good opportunity for friendship. You feel defeated and like no one will ever want to be your friend. Then you miss out on the good friends. When I go deep down I notice that I feel bad for myself. Judging is such a big thing for me.

Judging is a really big thing in my life. It is so big because like I told you earlier I was judged at my old school. When I get judged, I feel bad and defeated. One time I was at my grandmother’s funeral and my mom was reading a book that my grandmother always loved to read to me and my sister. I went up onto the alter and I started making motions to act out the story. When the book was done, I got a mumbled laugh from everybody at the funeral. Then a year or so later, I was at my new school and I had been there for about 30 minutes to an hour and I overheard two boys mumbling to each other “ I bet he isn’t that funny.” and I was the one who made sad people laugh a year ago. I thought I was a very funny person and I hope that other people realize that because deep down I know that they think that but sometimes they can be different on the outside. So you get judged to quickly.

When people judge you rashly about your emotions they are being mean and insensitive. It is shown that 93% of 16 kids judge people on emotions. I can be very emotional about things so I try my best not to judge people depending on their emotions. I recall a time when I got out of the shower and my eyes started to water uncontrollably and I sat down for a couple minutes and cry. I then I asked somebody if they thought I was emotional and they said no. I am very emotional and I sometimes have to stay home on days when I feel sad I am that emotional but studies have shown that boys in the U.S think being emotional is unmanly and uncool. I wish that people would just man up and show their true emotions. I believe that being manly is showing your emotions and being yourself and not a sumo wrestler.

Assumptions are usually mean and I hope that I have educated you enough so you know not to judge people rashly on their qualities. Qualities are important things in life and if you judge someone on them then they feel bad and excluded. I know this because I have gone through it. Like one day I was out on the playground at school and I was being excluded. That made me think why are they excluding me? I thought that it could have been they thought I was uncool. I am cool though and I like myself just the way I am. I wish for the future that people will not judge other people rashly about things or qualities.

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