Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Pressure can be good and bad. It can cause people to have an anxious personality or pressure can make you work harder. I think it is unfair that people have pressure. This what I may do if I have pressure: I 1. jump, 2. stomp, 3. punch the air, or 3. go outside to play.
If I have pressure I have troubles about something. It means I have too much on my plate. When I feel I have too much on my plate, I create a plan to help me with everything.
Now I will tell you a story. One day I was doing my homework and saw I had to much of it. So, I decided to break it down into parts. I did one subject, then a break, one subject and a break until I was finished with two subjects. It was a good run until during the middle of a problem I needed help. So I called in my dad. He told me how to do the problem and showed me how to make it more fun. Calling in a parent always helps me with my homework.
I’m going to give you an example of when pressure can be good. One time I was playing basketball and we were down 10 points. Our point guard put in 2 lay-ups and hit a jump shot. Now the score was 40-36. The time left was 2:00 minutes. I got put in the game, now 1:00 minute left. We scored, 40-38 now. 30 seconds. It was passed, I was on D, I knew if I lunged and missed the game was over. I took the chance anyway. The whole crowd staring wide eyed at me. I connected and stole the ball. 10 seconds. I dribbled up the court, layed it up and scored! We pressed and got the ball and won! Final score 42-40.
So with all of this pressure you need ways of getting rid of it. Here are some other ways you can let go. 1. Walk through slush 2. Go skiing 3. Go on a vacation, and if all else fails watch T.V.

By Calvin Shimansky

Assumptions by Writerman AL 1

When I came to notice that judging is becoming such a big problem was a couple of years ago when I went to the Dolbare School in Wakefield, MA. It was when somebody judged me about my vision and man being judged does not feel good. When people judge you too fast and they haven’t given you a chance. You feel cheated out of a good opportunity for friendship. You feel defeated and like no one will ever want to be your friend. Then you miss out on the good friends. When I go deep down I notice that I feel bad for myself. Judging is such a big thing for me.

Judging is a really big thing in my life. It is so big because like I told you earlier I was judged at my old school. When I get judged, I feel bad and defeated. One time I was at my grandmother’s funeral and my mom was reading a book that my grandmother always loved to read to me and my sister. I went up onto the alter and I started making motions to act out the story. When the book was done, I got a mumbled laugh from everybody at the funeral. Then a year or so later, I was at my new school and I had been there for about 30 minutes to an hour and I overheard two boys mumbling to each other “ I bet he isn’t that funny.” and I was the one who made sad people laugh a year ago. I thought I was a very funny person and I hope that other people realize that because deep down I know that they think that but sometimes they can be different on the outside. So you get judged to quickly.

When people judge you rashly about your emotions they are being mean and insensitive. It is shown that 93% of 16 kids judge people on emotions. I can be very emotional about things so I try my best not to judge people depending on their emotions. I recall a time when I got out of the shower and my eyes started to water uncontrollably and I sat down for a couple minutes and cry. I then I asked somebody if they thought I was emotional and they said no. I am very emotional and I sometimes have to stay home on days when I feel sad I am that emotional but studies have shown that boys in the U.S think being emotional is unmanly and uncool. I wish that people would just man up and show their true emotions. I believe that being manly is showing your emotions and being yourself and not a sumo wrestler.

Assumptions are usually mean and I hope that I have educated you enough so you know not to judge people rashly on their qualities. Qualities are important things in life and if you judge someone on them then they feel bad and excluded. I know this because I have gone through it. Like one day I was out on the playground at school and I was being excluded. That made me think why are they excluding me? I thought that it could have been they thought I was uncool. I am cool though and I like myself just the way I am. I wish for the future that people will not judge other people rashly about things or qualities.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Your greatest Enemy Shouldn't Be Yourself by Antonio

Many people don’t realize how being too hard
on yourself (multiple times) can become a bad habit. This can change the way
you sometimes think about yourself as well as how you react to not being perfect.
The worst part of all is that there is no way to be perfect.
When being hard on yourself, you become
stressed and sometimes pressured. One of my friends was working on a project
and did it pretty well. He thought that other people’s were better after seeing
his classmates’ projects. He turned it in but stressed about his project, which
he decided he didn’t put any effort into. Similarly, I forgot to practice the
day before a piano lesson. During my last-minute preparation, I was pressured
to practice quickly and judged how I played. Judging while playing made my
music not as good as it could’ve been. In addition, I forgot my homework once
and because of it, I slammed my hand against the ground. Forgetting homework
isn’t a big enough tragedy to hurt your wrist.
The next day, I found out that it wasn’t even due yet. I hurt myself for
absolutely nothing! I shouldn’t have even worried. Becoming stressed and pressured is fuel for
disaster in a person who is too hard on himself.
Being too
hard on yourself can make life seem like a black hole of hopelessness. If you
feel as though things you do aren’t good compared to other people’s work or
ideas, then you might become depressed. Once I was trying to make the exterior
of a book, and it was mostly a disaster. When I finished, the cloth was covered
in glue, as was the classroom sink. I felt like giving up. My teacher, however,
told me that I should bring the work home and finish it there. I didn’t even
consider that earlier because I was comparing my work to other people’s and
thinking that mine was not good. In the end, I finished the book— text, cover,
and all. Another instance of my being hopeless from perfectionism is that sometimes
I don’t see solutions to problems because I get so stressed. I needed to read
part of a book on a school night, and I forgot it at school. No big deal for
most people. It was on my mind for the whole evening. I did get to the library
and read the part of the book that I needed to by the next day, but during that
early evening, I couldn’t even think. I had to stay calm to solve the problem,
but I felt like nothing would fix the situation. When you’re hard on yourself, you might feel
as if you will not do well at a task. You might lose hope.
Being too hard
on yourself can make you feel as though everything about you is terrible. For
example, when my parents tell me not to do something, I feel like a horrible
person. Once I was told not to have a pillow fight with my brother and my
brother started a fight, but I also got blamed because I defended myself. When
being too hard on yourself, you can judge yourself as well. Once after a
practice, I thought that I didn’t play well, even though I actually got one or
two good hits. When you are your own enemy, you think that you are bad in every
If you are
too hard on yourself, you have the desire to be perfect. You might feel like
you have to be a perfect student. In the past, I’ve tried to be as nice to subs
as possible, so I would always be on their good side. Sometimes, you might
react to not being perfect. Once I didn’t finish work I needed to finish and the
schedule that I had even said that it was due, but I’d forgotten it. I was
furious at myself. My teacher actually let me work on it in school. The desire
to be perfect is a trap to people who are hard on themselves, but worse is how
they react.
Have you
ever wondered what life would seem like without being hard on yourself entirely?
Probably not always as wonderful as you might think. You might not push
yourself as hard to do things. Being hard on yourself is mostly unhelpful, but
not entirely.
Being too
hard on yourself truly isn’t good because you think badly of yourself for no
reason at all. You need to build confidence in yourself and see the good in
yourself. Your greatest enemy shouldn’t be yourself because you aren’t always
ok with who you are.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Essay By: Sophie

Confidence Is the Key to Knowing Yourself

By: Sophie

Sometimes I question myself, when I walk down the school hall. I could get bullied because of being myself. I feel afraid that if I do anything unique, I’ll be humiliated. I feel like there is a big restriction on my life that I’m not controlling. This makes me think that if there was one thing that could help everyone, it would be confidence. Instead of being restricted to doing only what other people want for you, you could have an open mind and let yourself lead the way of YOUR life. I sometimes try to rush through the halls, covering my outfit in case someone tries to make fun of me. Imagine spending your life covering up yourself, leaving your soul behind. If you use your confidence, you could walk through school, arms wide open, being proud and showing off that outfit!!

When you don’t use confidence you usually feel like you can never win anything. For example, my cousin Avery had an experience with a girl named Rachel. Rachel made Avery feel lonely and unwanted. Avery was in a group of 3 friends and Rachel would always hug the other friend and always connect with her but not Avery. Also Rachel would always brag about herself, and tell Avery where she went over the weekend, and who she was with. My cousin felt too afraid to stand up for herself so she avoided her. Avery thought that if she brought up her feelings about the situation, she would make the situation bigger. Rachel crushed my cousin’s heart, and she didn’t know when to trust her or even if she should trust her.

Another example is that my friend, Jessica, was getting bullied by a girl at her camp while they were playing a game on the same team. April (the bully) kept saying “You’re making us lose, it’s all your fault!” April kept harassing Jessica, while she just kept taking it in. If I was Jessica, I would have cried in the corner, but she kept her head high. I can imagine what Jessica felt inside. She probably was extremely sad. If Jessica just used her confidence, she could’ve told April to stop and she wouldn’t have the sadness in her. Jessica also regrets that she didn’t use her confidence.

Lastly, I was actually bullied by a girl in my class. She would make sure that if I had a play date with someone else besides her, she would have to know, or she would have to come. It made me feel extremely sad because she was controlling me. On top of that another girl teamed up with her and bullied me. I started talking to my mom and my teacher and it stopped for a short time. Then, it would start again.

Not having confidence could change your whole out-look on life, and make you scared to go to school, or make you look like a complete mirror image of some of the girls at your school! If you have confidence, you could feel like a big giant, feeling strong and happy, being able to fight against the bully. Or you could be like a little mouse in the corner, unable to speak against the bully/bullies. Bullying leaves you feeling inadequate.

The first example is when my dad got bullied by a boy named Tommy Frew. Tommy would always tell my dad to give him his lunch money or he would kill him. My dad would always run away from him, worried he would try to kill him. One day my dad was on the bus, and Tommy came up, and said “Give me your lunch money.” My dad said “NO!” Tommy mumbled that he was going to kill my dad, but he never said anything again. When my dad denied Tommy, it really showed my dad that he could do anything.

Also, my friend Rebecca had an experience in her locker room at hockey practice. One of Rebecca’s friends went to a Bruins game instead of the team’s party and a couple of girls got mad at her for it. So, they locked her in the locker room and put her hockey bag in the hallway. Rebecca and one of her friends on the team unlocked the locker room and put her bag back in the locker room where she was. Rebecca told the girls “Don’t do that to a teammate, we are a family,” she also told the coach what had happened in the locker room and he talked to the team. Rebecca helped the girl out by talking to the bullies and talked to the coach, which I know made her feel really great. It made the girl feel good and Rebecca feel good. It was a win-win situation!

Not having confidence can also rub off on becoming jealous. If you don’t have confidence in yourself against the popular girls, you start wanting to look like them, wearing stylish clothes from popular stores because you want to become their friends instead of being yourself. I read a story about a girl who was under the shadow of her friend who is pretty, funny, and scores perfect grades on her tests. It put a ton of pressure on her to come up to her friend’s standards. I think that if I was in her shoes I would be overwhelmed, and nervous that my friend might leave me behind to be friends with other perfect girls. Many things can become affected if you don’t have confidence, your friendship, and your heart.

Confidence also opens your doors to happiness. For example when my friend Carissa went to swim class, kids were swimming under her and they were making her feel like she was swimming slowly. Carissa told the coach and finally it stopped!! This proves that although standing up for yourself and asking the bully to stop is good, it might not always be the right path. Sometimes you have to talk to an adult.

Also, I heard a quote by Vince Lombardi, that is “Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence.” I think this means that confidence can even go over the top and be passed around. Also I think it means that lack of confidence can be passed around too from well-known people in your life, like your parents. Confidence can be passed down from anyone and you should make sure that everyone has confidence because it’s the last piece of the puzzle to your life.

Lastly, I heard a quote by Mark Twain which was “All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure.” I think that means that if you have confidence you can do anything you set your mind to. If you have confidence your dreams will come true!!

Confidence Is the Key to Knowing Yourself

By: Sophie

Sometimes I question myself, when I walk down the school hall. I could get bullied because of being myself. I feel afraid that if I do anything unique, I’ll be humiliated. I feel like there is a big restriction on my life that I’m not controlling. This makes me think that if there was one thing that could help everyone, it would be confidence. Instead of being restricted to doing only what other people want for you, you could have an open mind and let yourself lead the way of YOUR life. I sometimes try to rush through the halls, covering my outfit in case someone tries to make fun of me. Imagine spending your life covering up yourself, leaving your soul behind. If you use your confidence, you could walk through school, arms wide open, being proud and showing off that outfit!!

When you don’t use confidence you usually feel like you can never win anything. For example, my cousin Avery had an experience with a girl named Rachel. Rachel made Avery feel lonely and unwanted. Avery was in a group of 3 friends and Rachel would always hug the other friend and always connect with her but not Avery. Also Rachel would always brag about herself, and tell Avery where she went over the weekend, and who she was with. My cousin felt too afraid to stand up for herself so she avoided her. Avery thought that if she brought up her feelings about the situation, she would make the situation bigger. Rachel crushed my cousin’s heart, and she didn’t know when to trust her or even if she should trust her.

Another example is that my friend, Jessica, was getting bullied by a girl at her camp while they were playing a game on the same team. April (the bully) kept saying “You’re making us lose, it’s all your fault!” April kept harassing Jessica, while she just kept taking it in. If I was Jessica, I would have cried in the corner, but she kept her head high. I can imagine what Jessica felt inside. She probably was extremely sad. If Jessica just used her confidence, she could’ve told April to stop and she wouldn’t have the sadness in her. Jessica also regrets that she didn’t use her confidence.

Lastly, I was actually bullied by a girl in my class. She would make sure that if I had a play date with someone else besides her, she would have to know, or she would have to come. It made me feel extremely sad because she was controlling me. On top of that another girl teamed up with her and bullied me. I started talking to my mom and my teacher and it stopped for a short time. Then, it would start again.

Not having confidence could change your whole out-look on life, and make you scared to go to school, or make you look like a complete mirror image of some of the girls at your school! If you have confidence, you could feel like a big giant, feeling strong and happy, being able to fight against the bully. Or you could be like a little mouse in the corner, unable to speak against the bully/bullies. Bullying leaves you feeling inadequate.

The first example is when my dad got bullied by a boy named Tommy Frew. Tommy would always tell my dad to give him his lunch money or he would kill him. My dad would always run away from him, worried he would try to kill him. One day my dad was on the bus, and Tommy came up, and said “Give me your lunch money.” My dad said “NO!” Tommy mumbled that he was going to kill my dad, but he never said anything again. When my dad denied Bobby, it really showed my dad that he could do anything.

Also, my friend Rebecca had an experience in her locker room at hockey practice. One of Rebecca’s friends went to a Bruins game instead of the team’s party and a couple of girls got mad at her for it. So, they locked her in the locker room and put her hockey bag in the hallway. Rebecca and one of her friends on the team unlocked the locker room and put her bag back in the locker room where she was. Rebecca told the girls “Don’t do that to a teammate, we are a family,” she also told the coach what had happened in the locker room and he talked to the team. Rebecca helped the girl out by talking to the bullies and talked to the coach, which I know made her feel really great. It made the girl feel good and Rebecca feel good. It was a win-win situation!

Not having confidence can also rub off on becoming jealous. If you don’t have confidence in yourself against the popular girls, you start wanting to look like them, wearing stylish clothes from popular stores because you want to become their friends instead of being yourself. I read a story about a girl who was under the shadow of her friend who is pretty, funny, and scores perfect grades on her tests. It put a ton of pressure on her to come up to her friend’s standards. I think that if I was in her shoes I would be overwhelmed, and nervous that my friend might leave me behind to be friends with other perfect girls. Many things can become affected if you don’t have confidence, your friendship, and your heart.

Confidence also opens your doors to happiness. For example when my friend Carissa went to swim class, kids were swimming under her and they were making her feel like she was swimming slowly. Carissa told the coach and finally it stopped!! This proves that although standing up for yourself and asking the bully to stop is good, it might not always be the right path. Sometimes you have to talk to an adult.

Also, I heard a quote by Vince Lombardi, that is “Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence.” I think this means that confidence can even go over the top and be passed around. Also I think it means that lack of confidence can be passed around too from well-known people in your life, like your parents. Confidence can be passed down from anyone and you should make sure that everyone has confidence because it’s the last piece of the puzzle to your life.

Lastly, I heard a quote by Mark Twain which was “All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure.” I think that means that if you have confidence you can do anything you set your mind to. If you have confidence your dreams will come true!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Your Life By: Brynn S

Live your own life not someone else’s. Imagine if everyone was the same. There would be no excitement. That’s what is slowly happening in the world. We are losing individuals one by one. The world is getting more and more boring. Once a teenager turns into an adult, they lose their childish ways. I’m not saying grownups are boring, they are very cool. It’s just that sometimes when they get older; they get more into work, and forget their purpose in the world. Everyone (even kids) has a part in the world, and only they can live their part.

Live your own life not someone else’s, because sometime down the road, they’re going to lead you down a bad alley. If you follow someone, eventually, they will turn and do something bad. Even your best and nicest friend can do it. They might say sorry, but even if they do, just try not to copy that bad choice they made. I think that everyone once was nice. Then, one person did something bad, so someone else decided to be bad, too. Some people do have the strength to resist, sometimes even fight back. That’s what my friend was doing in this story. Her friends were talking bad about another classmate who was not there. She kept on saying to stop, but they wouldn’t. What I’m trying to say is that people can do bad things. Either it’s as simple as talking about someone behind their backs, or even drinking and smoking illegally. Luckily, I’m only at the age where people talk about each other like in the past story, and in this one. One time, when I was in the car with two friends, they were talking about a classmate. I should’ve told them to stop but I didn’t. They were talking about something she had done the day before. This made me think that people have not learned that you can make them stop. Or at least try. People just assume they will get caught, and the adult will tell them to stop, but its not like adults have super vision. You have power to, especially if they are your good friends. That brings me this next story. My mom works at a school, so one day when she was in the teachers lounge eating lunch, her co-workers were talking about each other. That story proves that grownups won’t always catch kids, because they make the mistake of being mean, too. Everyone does make the mistake; you just need to not follow that move.

Live your own life not someone else’s because everyone has a talent, you don’t need to use someone else’s. You have a talent, whether it’s swimming, piano, or even juggling muffins while standing on your head. Whatever it is, use it. Everyone has experiences where everyone else is doing something else, and you want to because it will make you popular. You just need to fight the urge, and stay with your own talent. My mom had this situation, but sadly she didn’t fight it.

She was awesome at the clarinet when she was a kid. No one played the clarinet, though. they all were cheerleaders. My mom wanted to be like them, but she also wanted to play the clarinet. There were cheerleader tryouts coming up so she had a decision to make. Should she do cheerleading, or clarinet? She finally decided to do cheerleading. She still is mad about her decision to this day. My point is that if my mom would’ve chose clarinet, what she was very good at, she could’ve had a great time. Sometimes this situation happens when your friends are all doing something (like my mom’s story) or it happens with your thoughts. Sometimes you feel like if you don’t do this, or do that, you will be not liked. That’s what happened to my friend in this story.

Are school has a talent show every year and she was going to be in it this year. She wanted to sing, but everyone was into dance this year. She felt like if she sung, the popular girls were going to come up to her, and tease her. So she did a dance just like them. You need to use your own talent, and even if people make fun of you, your true friends will stick by your side. You might think if you do the more common talent you will be considered “popular” but you need to use your own talent. If you do, people will become more impressed. That leads me to this quote; “Show Your True Color” which makes me think everyone’s talent is their color. Everyone has a different color, so if everyone shines their color, there will be a rainbow. You need to use your own talent, and you will be beautiful.

Live your own life not someone else’s, because you need to make your own decision, unless you want your life to be very boring. I know you were probably depending on your parents to make your decisions; but no, you need to make your own. You might even follow someone else’s decision, like your friend. But you shouldn’t. For example, the quote, “life is too short to be someone else,” makes me feel that people should not follow the decisions of others. You’re not going to get anywhere in the world doing someone else’s job. You need time to figure out your life decision; but, this survey showed how many people wanted to chose their own direction: 20 out of 21 kids wanted to choose their own path. This makes me think that people should really think about their life’s direction. If this many people want to choose their own way, then they should start thinking about it now.

Don’t follow role models; instead use them as a guide. Everyone has a role model. Don’t get me wrong, you should have one. All I’m trying to say is that your role model should not be your life. Everyone has an idol too. But even idols do bad things. Your idol will eventually do something bad, just as happened in this story:

My idol was Miley Cyrus. Just like a lot of people I was let down. When I was five Miley Cyrus was my life. Miley Cyrus pencils and t-shirts - the Hannah Montana show was on every minute. But she was not as good as she seemed. She had a tattoo and did some drugs. That’s when her show went off the air. Miley Cyrus made a mistake. You never should follow the mistakes of others. If you follow someone, you’ll forget about who you are. Every time I see a psycho-fan of a pop star, I think, “Where are they going to end up?” They are following the pop star too closely. The fan probably used to be cool, kind, and independent. Now they depend on their pop star to answer questions. That just makes me sad. Try to be yourself. When you follow someone else you forget about reality and once you’re idol falls you’ll be left out there in the dust. This quote, “Don’t be someone you’re not,” makes me think that people should not do everything their idol does. Every time someone follows their idols exact actions we lose another individual in the world.

If you listened to my essay, then you can see my point. You need to be your own person so we won’t lose all of our individuals. You should take my advice so you won’t be the one left out in the dust. that is my essay, and remember to be yourself!

Be yourself!

By:Caroline Dalton*

If you look around you are 99% guaranteed to see people not acting like
themselves. People don’t realize that they HAVE to be themselves. It is so
super important. It happens every day, sometimes we don’t notice it. I’ve come
to know that if you be yourself your life is easier. If you be yourself your
true beauty will shine.
If you be yourself your true beauty
will shine because you will be known as a copy-cat if you’re not yourself. For
example, my friend told me that one time her cousin did EXACTLY what she was
doing. She ALWAYS told her to stop, her cousin just said, “Are you kidding?
You’re the one copying me.” I have a
quote it’s, “Copying people shows you don’t believe in yourself.” I asked
everyone in my class if others copy them 100% the class said yes. I also asked
everyone if they copy others, 50% of the class said yes and 50% said no. My
friend Rachel L. said her cousin copies everything she does. There is one problem;
her cousin is a boy wanting to be a girl. She gets mad and frustrated. If you
copy someone if shows weakness. DO NOT copy people. It’s the wrong thing to do.
If you be yourself your true beauty
will shine because if you be your enemy you can become your enemy. For example
a friend of mine told me that his enemy copies everything he does. He gets
really annoyed. When he tells his enemy to stop, the other kid acts like he
never copied him. My point is the other boy isn’t himself so in a way he is his
own enemy. Another example is, my friend Rachel L told me her enemy wants Rachel
to be her. One time Rachel was at her house, and when the 2 of them were
walking down the stairs, the other girl told her to do the exact same thing
when they were walking. Rachel did until she got CRAZY and didn’t feel
comfortable doing that. Rachel stopped and her enemy started copying her.
Rachel told her to stop, she never would. They stopped being friends after
that. The reason they stopped being friends was the other girl got mad at her
for copying and became enemies with herself. Always remember you can’t spell
beautiful without BE YOU. ALWAYS be yourself so you don’t make yourself your
own enemy.
If you be yourself your true beauty
will shine because if you’re someone else you are hiding from who you are. For
example, one time all the girls on my softball team were at my house practicing
before the game. My neighbor came outside and was wearing a skirt sitting on a
swing. She sees my teammates and I practicing and goes inside. When she comes
out again she’s wearing her sister’s softball clothes. Just remember be
yourself. I interviewed my 2 friends Rachel and Madeline, they both went to a
camp and told me a girl there stole their ideas in art. She always sat next to
them so she could see what she was drawing or painting. Every single day she
would steal their ideas. Because of this they weren’t friends. If she painted
her own things the 3 could be friends. Being yourself is also a way to make
more friends. Life is easier when you don’t have to hide.
If you be yourself it’s great. It
shows you can follow your heart no matter what others say. I’d rather be hated
for who I am than to be loved for who I’m not. If you are yourself your true
beauty will shine.

Essay by Madeline Liberman

NOTE: People’s names in this essay have been replaced by fake names to prevent embarrassment.

Believe it or not, sometimes it’s very hard to be truthful to someone. A lot of people grew up with their parents telling them, “Never, ever lie.” But others say sometimes you need to lie. Most of the time these people are wrong, and most of the time in this kind of situation, if you lie, it can be extremely destructive. And sometimes doing the right thing can be hard. It can be really hard. You think you’ll hurt someone’s feelings. But you can be wrong! I once had a friend who told me my lip gloss looked ridiculous. After she gave me a mirror, I realized she saved me from embarrassing myself in front of my classmates. My friend, who I had thought before was being mean to me, was actually helping me out. She was telling the truth. Everyone hates to be lied to, but it takes a lot of courage to not lie to them.

Sometimes it’s hard to be truthful to someone, because it forces you to do things you don’t want to do. For example, while my mom was in high school, she started to hate eating meat. But my grandmother made meat at least 4 times a week! Mom just kept forcing it down so she wouldn’t hurt her mother’s feelings. But her mother still made it a lot. Now, my mother still can’t stand meat. But by lying to HER mother, she was causing her mother to spend lots of money on unnecessary meat. My grandma still doesn’t know my mother hates meat, and my mom is sure she should’ve confessed.

Another example is when my friend Diane’s cousin asked her to play with Diane’s neighbor, Chris. At the time Diane and Chris were in an argument. Diane said “Sure” because Diane’s cousin really liked hanging out with Chris. Chris refused and shut the door. When Diane’s cousin asked why, she told the truth. She then knew she didn’t have to lie to her cousin and do something she didn’t want to do.

Also, 100% of Ms. Stodden’s class said they had done something they didn’t want to do to be dishonest, and in their opinion, nice to someone, even though the other person didn’t need it. If people just step up and tell the truth, instead of being “nice”, they won’t have to do things they don’t want to do.

Sometimes it’s hard to be truthful to someone because it can frustrate them.

One time a girl I know, Rose, asked her friend if her hair looked okay. Rose’s friend said “Yes” but Rose could tell her friend was lying to be nice. But it would help Rose more if her friend nicely stated what was wrong with Rose’s hair. Her friend should’ve just been straight with Rose and told her, instead of being “nice” and keeping it to herself. Then Rose could’ve fixed her hair! People should stop lying when they don’t have to and frustrating others.

Sometimes it’s bad hard to be truthful to someone because it makes them feel different. One example is when my friend Kate was playing Ping-Pong with her family, and she wasn’t doing well. This was because Kate hadn’t practiced. But the rest of her family was doing great! Her brothers were making fun of her and she was starting to feel bad. When she walked up to the Ping-Pong table, her dad was her opponent. He went really easy on Kate, which was lying to himself and his abilities, and it made her feel like she wasn’t as good as everyone else.

Sometimes it’s hard to be truthful to someone because they think they can’t do anything wrong. Once, my mom told me about an article she’d read. In it, experts explained that children who were praised all the time, or lied to, wouldn’t get very far in life, because they thought they were incapable of doing anything wrong. The kids’ parents would tell them they were doing fantastic all the time, so they would never learn to try again if they didn’t succeed, or practice to become perfect. But later in life, the same children might become cocky and tell others, “I can do this so much better than you.” It could land them in big trouble, and all this just because of these lies.

Another time, when I was looking at all my brother and sisters’ artwork on the wall, I went to my mom and asked her, “Why haven’t you hung up anything of MINE on the wall?” Mom said, “It’s because I’m waiting for the right artwork from you, the one I totally love. I don’t want to hang just any old work.” I wasn’t happy at all; I thought the day she hung something of mine up would never come. Then later, I created another piece, one Mom loved. I was ecstatic when Mom hung it on the wall. If Mom had hung EVERYTHING on the wall, though, I would have thought everything I’d made was amazing! Mom never lied to me about what she liked and what she thought was just so-so. People would work harder and strive for success without constant praise for everything they did.

All this is important because you could really hurt someone’s feelings, career, friendship, or their trust in you if lie to them. It can be really, really difficult to do the right thing and tell someone what you really think. But too many people hide their true feelings in their lies. Hiding your true feelings is hiding who you are and what you’ve become. People don’t want to be friends with someone who they don’t think is trustworthy and doesn’t show their feelings. I think people should take a stand and stop all the lying before it starts. I hope by reading this essay you’ve learned something about lying to someone. Would you lie to your best friend on purpose? In fact, would you like lying to ANYONE you know? So the next time you want to tell your friend her actually hideous shirt looks great, here’s my advice: Think before you speak. Would you like to be treated this way? Because when you step up and tell the truth, you are saving someone from being scarred.


If I Had a Sister...

By Rachel Lucas

Many people don’t realize that sisters help you through life, but I’ve come to know that they truly do,” that’s what my friends say because they have sisters, but I DON’T! So I say “If I had a sister, life would be easier.” My life would be easier because brothers don’t hang out with you, and just ignore you when you’re trying to talk. Brothers don’t help you, and if they do help you with homework or something, they give you the wrong answer. Also brothers don’t understand you because they are boys and I’m a girl, that’s why moms come in handy but moms aren’t always around. In addition to that, when you’re trying to tell them something, they just walk away!

Maybe if I had a sister, she would hangout with me because my brothers DO NOT! For example, there’s no one to hang out with besides friends, but friends aren’t always home! And your brothers IGNORE you! One day I was REALLY bored and I wanted to play a game that needed more than 2 people. I asked my brothers if they wanted to play. Mark said, “I’m watching T.V. and anyways, I HATE that game!” So I asked my other brother, Richie if he wanted to play. He replied saying, “NOOOOO!!! I WANT TO PLAY THE WII!!!” I told my mom and she said that Richie had to play but Mark didn’t. I told her that MORE than 2 people had to play the game! She said, “Fine, your dad and I will play with you guys!” Richie was angry and had an attitude the whole game. If I had a sister, she would probably play without being forced and wouldn’t be angry the whole time! My friend Caroline says, “A sister is a best friend!” My other friend Brynn knows how great a sister can be. She said,” Once I was riding with my sister, having a blast. We were going to see the movie Ramona and Beezus. I was having so much fun! My sister was 17 so we could go by ourselves. We had popcorn, candy, and watched a great movie! On the way back, we talked and talked and talked! I got to know her a lot better!” So Brynn hung out with her sister and had a great time.

Also if I had a sister, maybe she would help me when I need it because my brothers DO NOT! For example, “when helping others, don’t look for a reward; if you’re looking for a reward, don’t help others!” my friend Caroline needed braids in her hair, but her mom wasn’t home and her dad was really bad at it! Her brothers wouldn’t have a clue on how to do it, so she couldn’t get her hair in braids! If she had an older sister, she would know how to do it. So Caroline is just like ME, we don’t have sisters to do our hair! Caroline said, “I would want an older sister and a younger sister because older sisters you can look up to, and younger sisters are cute and adorable and can look up to ME!”

Another example of my life being easier is how a sister would understand me more. For example, “It is our brothers and sisters that we learn to love, share, negotiate, start and end fights, hurt others, and save face. The basis of healthy (or unhealthy) connections in adulthood is cast during childhood.” That quote is a little confusing to me but it makes sense if you read it over and over again. Another example is my friend Jenna has 2 sisters and 1 brother. She said her sisters understand her more than her brother does. In addition, when I’m trying to talk to my brothers about something, they don’t understand me and just ignore what I’m saying! If I had a sister maybe she would ACTUALLY listen and understand me!

So what I’m really trying to say is that sisters help you through the ups and downs of life. If you have a sister, you know what I’m talking about and understand my difficulty of NO SISTERS!