Friday, January 22, 2010

Social Studies
By: Regan L

In Social Studies this month we’ve turned all of our focus to land wars, (particularly the King Phillip’s War.) The King Phillip’s war started over, you guessed it, land. Strange settlers started coming overseas and settling right on the Native American’s land. The Native Americans coped with this change for a while. They traded what they had for the rental of the land the Europeans had settled on. But, the only problem was that the Native Americans and the Europeans didn’t speak the same language. So, what the Natives thought was trading, to the Europeans was selling. These differences in prospective broke out into war. To be precise, one of the bloodiest war EVER fought in North America. So for our RAFT (Role-Audience-Format-Topic) projects we’re reenacting or providing information on land wars. Some things we could do for the RAFT project are power points about the King Phillip’s war, a letter from Chief Massasoit to King Phillip about a warning for the future, or a Eulogy about King Phillip’s death. These are all wonderful ways of providing knowledge to others and getting more knowledge ourselves about the past.


  1. I think that this blog entry really states all possible reasons for a land war. It gives specific, interesting reasons for a land war. The introduction really grabs the reader.

  2. I remember doing that! I think you did a good job with the details and specific events that happened in King Philips War. You really grab the reader.

  3. great job i loved it great work reegs


  4. Wow that was awesome I felt like I was there. Great job. Also, great job explaining the RAFT project.


  5. that was a good job explaining the RAFT I liked that project very much. I did a diary with Lizzie it took a long time though.

  6. Nice job summarizing what you learned about the rising conflicts between Native peoples and the incoming Europeans. I can tell you really learned it because you explained it so well!

    Ms. S.
