Friday, January 29, 2010


Physical Education
In Physical Education also know as PE to the kids in my school is very tiring yet one of the most loved specials in school. We have PE on Tuesday and Thursday. Our PE teacher Mrs. Amendalia says “Think of it as the two T’s.” One rule of hers is “if you don’t have sneakers then you don’t participate in Physical Education”. A few games we play in PE are The Legend of Joshua Eaton, coconut cove and more. Some thing I wouldn’t say is a game is passer which is when we run from one side of the gym to another and we see how many times we can do it for. One game every one loves doing is when we try and knock each other’s pins down there are no teams its every man or women for them self. This is what we do in gym class defiantly one of the school’s favorite subjects.



  1. This blog entry really tells all details about PE. Such as Mrs.Ammendolia's rules, how we play the games, and what games we play. This is very well done!


  2. Your begining is kinda weird. You go from one thing to another.Also we dont do two Ts.

  3. P.E. is my favorite speacial too. I liked the way you worded it. It made it convincing that it is a fun but tiring speacial.
    Troy T.

  4. Your right p.e. is probably is the schools favorite subject everyone loves it.And good idea with the 2 t's for Thursday and Tuesday. I don't like passer either.

  5. What is The Legend game? It sounds intriguing. Did Mrs. Ammendolia make it up? Or is it really old passed down from generations of Eaton students?

    Ms. S
