Thursday, March 18, 2010

In guided reading I'm reading a book called Elijah of Buxton. It is written in slang, so it's sometimes hard to read, but you get used to it. One of the things we're doing for homework is we're writing down the weird words, what we think the words mean, and what they really mean.We are also keeping track of characters. The main charater is Elijah; Eli for short. Eli was the first free born in Buxton. Buxton is in Canada where slaves are free. It was made by slaves to be a free place to go.
In this book there is a nasty, suspicious man called the Preacher. He claims he to be the smartest most educated man in all of Buxton. He also says he can speak to the lord. Eli has a great throwing arm and fantastic aim. The Preacher says it's a gift from the lord. The Preacher says Elijah's arm could help the settlement. I can't wait to see what happens next!

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