Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm reading the book Elijah of Buxton in guided reading. It's getting to the good part. Mr. Leroy just got payed all the money Mrs. Holton had because she was saving it up to buy Mr. Holton out of bondage, but since he died, she gave all the money to Mr. Leroy because he still needs to buy his family out of slavery. He wants to get them out of bondage as quick as possible so I don't think he's thinking right. He told the Preacher he could take the money to a person that helps people buy other people's families out of bondage. At first he told the Preacher he could go alone with his money, but Elijah's dad talked him out of it so now he's bringing Mr. Highgate with him. I know somehow the Preacher is going to steal the money. I'm so confident about it because in the book summary it said he would. I think he's going to pretend he forgot the money back in Buxton when he really has it in his pocket. That way he'll turn around and go back to Buxton. Once he's back he'll probubly frame some inocent person and say they stoll the money when they really didn't. Then he'll take the money home, make up some lie about how he got it, and use it for his own benifit. I think the Preacher is a nasty man all over and would steal the money even if it represented freedom and hard work. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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