Thursday, April 16, 2009

Social Studies

In social studies we are learning about the American Revolution. Some of the reasons for the American Revolution are: England putting unfair taxes on things like tea and sugar. Another reason is called the stamp act. The stamp act is when England said that any official document had to have a stamp and you had to pay for that stamp.
We have just have finished our slavery unit. It was very sad to have to learn about how they kidnapped kids and forced grownups onto this ship that had rats and bugs. Plus they packed them so tightly that it was hard to move you really could only wiggle. Also a lot of people got sick and die. Some people tried to kill themselves by refusing to eat but the white men would force them by either whipping them or burning their lips. They didn’t want them to die because losing slaves meant losing money. Some jumped off the boat and tried to swim away but they were brought back and whipped. Sometime they tried to revolt but usually it didn’t wok. Some people just tried to live through it but they became slaves in the new world and were forced to work. That is what we are currently doing in social studies.

Written By: Elizabeth F

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