Thursday, April 16, 2009

In Science we are learning about the Solar System. Right now we are learning about the sun. The center of the sun, the core, is the hottest part of the sun at about 27,000,000 degrees F. It takes about a million years for the heat from the core to get tho the surface of the Earth. On the surface of the earth it is a lot cooler than the core at about 8,000 degrees F. The sun produces two things: heat and light. The way we say distances in outer space when it is too far to measure in miles is using light years. A light year is not a amount of time. It is the distance light travels in a year which is about 186,000 miles a second so in a year it is a big, big number of miles. Another measurement that is a little (well a lot actually) shorter than a light year is a AU. An Au is about 93,000,000 miles. The Earth is one AU away from the sun. This is all of the Solar Sytem that we have learned so far.

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