Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Revolutionary War

I think the Revolutionary War is because King of England taxed the colonies too much. He taxed tea, official papers, and he made a rule that the colonies could only buy stuff from England, and that they could only sell stuff to England. Although the King did remove the tax on official papers, the colonists were still angry. They began to smuggle things to and from other countries, but England soon found out, and sent ships to attempt to stop smugglers. Smugglers, who were caught, were fined and jailed.
This angered the colonists, so they decided to dump tea into the Boston Harbor. This angered King James a lot. The colonists decided that they wanted freedom, so they decided that they would separate, and no longer belong to England. England started sending troops over, and they fought with the American Soldiers the Revolutionary War. Benjamin Franklin went over to France to try and convince them to send soldiers to America to assist them on their fight against England, although at first hey were worried because they had just lost the French and Indian War, after much convincing, they decided to help America.
Eventually, America won, and they wrote the Declaration of Independence, and elected George Washington as our first president.

This has been a blog written by,

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