Friday, January 27, 2012

MCBA Project #3 by Madeline Liberman

"Ma sighed a great deal, an impatient noise usually accompanied with a frown at their rough clothes, rundown house, or meager food. Minli could not remember a time when Ma did not sigh; it often made Minli wish she had been called a name that meant gold or fortune instead. Because Minli and her parents, like the village and land around them, were very poor. They were barely able to harvest enough rice to feed themselves, and the only money in the house was two old copper coins that sat in a blue rice bowl with a white rabbit painted on it."

This makes me wonder why Minli and her family don't move to another place, one where crops grow. They could have plenty to eat and not be so poor.
This makes me think that if Minli and her family moved around, they could meet up with the the people in the wealthy, healthy village called Village of Moon Rain. If they only traveled a bit, they could live happily ever after.
I'm starting to think that if the villagers at the base of Fruitless Mountain found the other villagers, then the whole story would be changeed. Minli wouldn't have gone on her huge journey, because she didn't need to find the Old Man of the Moon to ask about her family's wealth. Minli wouldn't have met Dragon, Dragon would not have been set free from the evil monkeys, and he wouldn't have learned to fly! Also, Dragon would not have met up with Jade Dragon, so Fruitless Mountain would stay bare. Minli probably would have stopped believing in her father's "fairy tales" because there had been no chance to prove they really existed!
But on the other hand, if Minli's family had become happy, Ma would not have been so unhappy. She wouldn't have sighed so much.
So what I'm really trying to say is so much would have changed if Minli's family had moved to the Village of the Moon Rain.

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