Sunday, January 29, 2012

4th MCBA Project on Scat by: Ryan Dieselman

The character of Duane Scrod Jr. changes alot in the duration of "Scat". For example , at the beginnining of the book, Duane is a distant minded, rule breaking, poorly behaved kid. He even threatened Mrs. Starch, his biology teacher. "Get out of my face or you'll be sorry,"he said. Mrs. Starch said that when he brought his biology book it was an improvement. Then he eats Mrs. Starch's pencil. "He could easily have nibbled off my fingers," Mrs. Starch tells Dr. Dresser, the principal. Then Duane skips the field trip the next day.
Somehow, it is Mrs. Starch who creates this new Duane Scrod Jr. "It looks likes he's a whole new person" Marta tells Nick. Marta also tells Nick, " He is even scairer than before" He is kind and neatly groomed. He even apoligizes to Wendell Waxmo , an extreme wacko. Apparantly Mrs. Starch was tuttoring Duane. However, he seems uncomfortable as the center of attention. Those are the changes that Duane Scrod Jr. goes through.

I would give Scat 5 stars!

1 comment:

  1. I can definitely see your essay skills shining through in this entry. I can definitely see Duane is not a very admirable character in the beginning. However, I am unclear on what causes him to change later in the book. Do they clone him? Is it because of the tutoring?
    Ms. S
