Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Erin's MCBA Book Project
He rubs his eyes. Still there! Some strange people are coming out of the trailer where the hired help usually stays. They have brown skin and black hair, and although they don't wear feathers or carry tomahawks, they sure do look like the American Indians in his history’s textbook last year
in fifth grade.
I think that Tyler is little scared because strangers are trespassing on his farm. This makes me think of how hard it would be if people I didn’t know were randomly walking on my farm (if i had one.) If these people hadn't bin real strangers and Tyler new that they were that hired help I think he would've acted very differently to the site of these people. Although Tyler didn’t know who these people were I think that he handled it very well. If I were Tyler I would be scared that these people were going to hurt me or my family, Tyler might have felt this way to. On the other hand Tyler understands they need to do to save the farm. In addition Return to Sender is a grate book, I highly recommend it
What I'd Say by Aymon
The Year the Swallows Came Early MCBA Project by Aymon Langlois
I think this is a good way to look at it. I would have to agree with Felix. The bank is where treasure is kept.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
When You Reach Me Project
Your letter must tell a story---a true story.
You cannot begin now, as most of it has not yet taken place.
And even afterward, there is no hurry. But do not wait so long
that your memory fades. I require as much detail as you can provide.
The trip is a difficult one, and I must ask my favors while my mind is sound.
A postscript: I know you have shared my first note.
I ask you not to share the others. Please. I do not ask this for myself.
I think Miranda cannot share the notes because, like the letter says,
"I ask you not to share the others. Please. I do not ask this for myself."
This could mean the future occurrences will get screwed up if she does, and the writer is going to have to give up on the person he asks this for.
The note asks for favors while the writer's mind is sound.
This probably means they are busy trying to figure out what actions to make
during the future occurrences, for it could get twisted.
All of this probably means that every step in the occurrence has to be perfect, and if anything gets messed up, something bad will happen.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
you'd rather be underwater held by a hering,
because you'll find yourself comparing,
the truth between you and the ignorant, daring.
These fearlessly, bold, vacous people,
find themselfs hanging from a steeple,
casually reading about buisseness people.
You could also find them standing,
on the edge of a cliff,
making a batch of brownies in a jiff,
they do this to scare the people stiff.
Regular people have a sensative bone,
but it might scare you that the foolhardy people dont have that tone,
they jump, they swing,
By: Brynn and Sophie
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Open then close it
Oh no! Can’t find the right one!
Looking for the best
2. Families
Sisters are bossy
Parents love you very much
Annoying brothers
3. Pets
Loved by families
Furry pets are the coolest
Pets can be funny
4. Dynamite
Dynamite goes BOOM!
Dynamite can blow you up!
Quick! Run for cover!
By Rachel Shurland
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Will you accept this invitation
This is hard and you could fail
But don't just let your prize go
Use skill and strategy and you shall suceed
I'll have them in my grasp
I'll beat them all one by one
They're a thing of the past
Planets will go down two by two
I'll crush them with my wrath
And then we'll see who's number one
After all that
Suffer, Agonize, some more
Feel that pain and furry
I'll lure you with my great sucess
I'll make you feel the power
I'll be the best
Then I'll let you rest
And that's the end of that
Monday, April 4, 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Should Have Been Born in a Spotlight!

Monday, March 28, 2011
Sleep And Its Stages

You’re watching TV late at night. While you are sitting there, you take a quick glance at the clock. OMG! It is two hours past your bedtime and you have a huge math test tomorrow! You quickly hurry upstairs and jump right into bed. You then fall asleep almost instantly. Next thing you know, your mother is shaking you and telling you to wake up. What happened during those mysterious eight hours?
People called polysomnographic technologists study this very question.
You first begin your sleep journey with transition/stage N1. After this, the extremely long N2 will come around and use up 45-55% of your night! Following this is the very deep Stage N3! N3 is very hard to wake you up from! Last but not least, REM sleep is the most famous for being the time where you have all memorable dreams!
But let’s start where the whole cycle begins, the under acknowledged stage N1.
There are two kinds of sleep; REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM (non rapid eye movement). When you first lie down, the first stage you will experience is Stage N1, the first stage of NREM. You will lose some muscle tone and most awareness of your environment. This stage is very light and you are quite easily awoken from it. So light, that if someone woke you from it you would say you were only thinking! This stage is actually a transition between a waking mind and sleeping which is why it usually only lasts a few minutes. During this transition, it is common to experience hypnic jerks or an involuntary twitch. Following this is stage N2.
Unlike stage N1, this stage is rather long and takes up 45-55% of all sleep in adults. N2 is the stage where you lose most muscle tone and all awareness of your surrounding environment. There is no eye movement and dreams are extremely rare. Unlike stage N1, this stage is rather long and takes up 45-55% of all sleep in adults. The third and final stage in NREM sleep comes next.
Stage N3, previously stages N3 and N4, became one stage in 2007 when the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) combined them to make Deep Sleep or SWS (slow wave sleep). This stage is very deep and quite comfortable. Dreaming can happen now, but it is often less clear and vivid than REM dreams. Still, it happens! This is the stage where parasomnias most often occur. They are things that interrupt natural sleep. Some examples of parasomnias are Somnambulism (sleepwalking), Night terrors (AKA sleep terrors), and Bruxism (grinding of teeth). When I was really little, I used to sleepwalk, but I outgrew a long time ago.
The fourth and final stage in the sleep cycle is REM sleep. It is characterized by, well, rapid eye movement! The stage was discovered in 1952 by Eugene Aserinsky and Nathaniel Kleitman with help from William C. Dement. This stage is most famous because of the fact that the most vivid dreams happen now. Some are so vivid that a muscular atonia can happen to prevent the dreamer from acting out their dreams.
Some people claim that they don’t dream. This is not true. All mammals have REM sleep. The people who claim they don’t dream simply don’t remember them. If you wake up during a dream that is the only one you will remember. If you don’t wake up during a dream then you won’t remember anything. This stage usually takes up 20-25% of sleep in all human beings or 90-120 minutes of sleep.
After all this happens, you will keep going through this cycle until you wake up. Then you get out of bed, go to school, come home, do homework, eat dinner, and then watch some TV late at night. While you are sitting there, you take a quick glance at the clock. OMG! It is two hours past your bedtime and you have a huge math test tomorrow! You quickly hurry upstairs and jump right into bed. You then fall asleep almost instantly. Next thing you know, your mother is shaking you and telling you to wake up…
By Simon

The Different Ways to See a Color
by Colin Canavan
“Colin move up to the center line!” my dad yelled. “Where did my dad think I was,” I wondered as I was in the first half of my soccer game. “Aren’t I on the line?” Finally I figured it out because I suddenly noticed a thin outline of an orange line in the grass. So I quickly moved up to it. I am colorblind, so when I see orange next to green it looks like green. Since the green fields at my soccer game were lined with orange, it all just looked like green.
Everyone who wonders about my colorblindness and knows that I am colorblind asks me, “What color is this?” or, “what color is that?” They expect that I cannot see the color they are asking because I am colorblind. When I answer their question correctly, they say, “You aren’t colorblind.” They do not understand that I can see colors but that I just see some different shades of colors.
<!--[endif]-->The angle and light can affect the way you see colors. I looked at a colorblind test from far away and I couldn’t see the picture that was supposed to be there. But, when I looked at it closely, I saw the picture. The test had a circle and a triangle in it and I could see the circle but not the triangle, until I looked at it closely. On the left test you are supposed to see a circle and an x and on the right you are supposed to see a circle and a triangle. If you are colorblind, the colors that you confuse are often very close. It might be that blue looks like purple, or one dark color and other dark colors look the same. But, bright and dark colors do not look the same!
If someone can’t see any color then they have no cones at all. <!--[endif]-->Everyone has cells in their eyes called cones, which receive light. Without light your eyes cannot see any colors. A person who is not colorblind has three cones in their eye. A person who is colorblind but can see colors has one or two cones.
Since I am colorblind, I have learned to say the correct name of a color even when I don’t see it. For example, I see blue as purple, but I have learned what the color blue is. Everyone would say, “That color is blue, not purple.” After years of everyone saying that to me, I know to call it blue even when it looks purple to me. I still get confused sometimes and then say, “I really don’t know what color that is at all!”
<!--[endif]--> If you are colorblind, you can wear glasses or contact lenses that are tinted to help you tell the difference between colors. For example, if you see blue as purple they can make glasses that have a lighter color so you can tell the difference between the two colors. It might look goofy to wear these special colored glasses, so eye doctors recommend wearing contacts. I wouldn’t choose to wear these glasses.
I have always wondered what the right colors would look like. Unfortunately, I will never know. Maybe I could try the glasses once and see if they make the colors look how they are supposed to.
Since colorblindness is genetic, which means it is usually passed down through families. The males are usually the colorblind people in the family. If they have a girl, that girl usually passes it down to her son, in the form of a recessive gene, and so on. My Papa is colorblind and his grandfather was colorblind. I blame it on them for making me colorblind. My Papa is red-green colorblind which means he can’t tell the difference between red and green. My great-grandmother used to tell stories about how after school she would have to go help her father. He was a tailor and couldn’t tell what color thread would match the suit fabrics his customers had chosen to buy. She would go pick out the matching threads for him. Women can be colorblind, but very few are. In the
Even though you weren’t born colorblind, beware, because you could become colorblind even though you aren’t now! You can develop colorblindness by taking certain medicines when you are old that contain chemicals that can make you colorblind. Another way to become colorblind is through injury.
Colorblindness can affect you in lots of different ways. One way it can affect you is in school, where lots of things rely on colors. If you are colorblind, it takes you longer to find the color you want in a crayon box. You might think brown crayons looks like red crayons, so you reach for the wrong color and have to look at the label to see if you are right. Colorblindness can also affect the job that you choose. You will not be able to enlist in some Military Forces, nor will you be able to work in railroad engineering or engineering that works with colored wires. I’m still wondering what jobs I can do in the future, and I am making a list of jobs that I can and can’t do.
If you ever want to test if you are colorblind, you can go online or take the <!--[endif]-->colorblindness test at the
Before I looked at a colorblind test to see if I was colorblind, I was still coloring the sky purple. That was while I was in kindergarten. My mom grew suspicious and asked me the color of the sky that I had been coloring. I responded blue, because that was what I thought it was. Later, my mom remembered that her father is colorblind. She had been looking out for my two, older brothers when they were younger and had forgotten about it when she had me. Then, when my mom took me to the
Colorblindness is a funny genetic trait to have. Typically, the colorblind person is oblivious to the problem. It is usually brought to their attention by the people around them. I thought that two ties were green, and then my mom told me that one was orange. I also thought a room I was in was light blue until someone walked in and blurted out, “This room is my favorite color, purple!” Check your family tree. You might be colorblind and no one has told you yet.
Work Cited Page
Color Blindness Homepage." http:// 20 Jan. 2011. Web.
"Color Blindness." 20 Jan. 2011. Web.
Rosenthal, Odeda, and Robert H. Phillips. Coping with Color Blindness. 1997. Print.
The World Book Encyclopedia. Vol. 4. 2007. p. 827. Print.
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011
the dark moon, comparing lunar and solar eclipses

A lunar eclipse happens when the earth comes between the moon and sun. Now I look back at that moment, and wonder why did I act like that. Isn’t it obvious? It’s an eclipse, to be correct a solar eclipse. How did I not know that?? Then it hit me I was only FOUR. I hadn’t started school. I was starting in a few months, so I didn’t even know what 1+1 was. What was I thinking? And, number two, I didn’t know how to spell my name, which was surprising because I was already playing baseball. Lastly number three, I couldn’t write….. now I’m saying to myself I was only four I couldn’t spell my name, I couldn’t write, and I didn’t know what 1+1 was!! Then it hits me again, I was only four.
Some questions I have about lunar eclipses are, why are they called lunar eclipses? , how do they occur? Why do they occur?
Lunar eclipses happen 3 times a year. In order to have a lunar eclipse, the moon has to be in its full phase. The moon, earth, and sun have to be all in a line to be in totality [in that order]. Lunar eclipses are visible over an entire hemisphere. When there is a lunar eclipse you can see the earth’s shadow projected on the moon, the shadow shows that the earth is completely round. In a lunar eclipse, the earth blocks the sunrays from hitting the moon. The longest lunar eclipse lasted 3 hours and 40 minutes. During a lunar eclipse the moon looks red, but its not. The rays get diffused or scattered when they enter the earth’s atmosphere. A solar eclipse always happens two weeks before a lunar eclipse. Some questions I have about solar eclipses are, why are <!--[endif]-->they called solar eclipses? , why are there more lunar eclipses than solar? How and why do they occur? A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes behind the sun and earth. Solar eclipses are only visible through a narrow path of 167 miles wide. So it’s not visible to everyone over an entire hemisphere. A solar eclipse can only occur when there is a new moon. Why? Solar eclipses can occur at least two times a year, but no more than 5. The max time a solar eclipse can take is 7 minutes and 40 seconds.
<!--[endif]-->The Chinese have recorded eclipses for more than 1,000 years!! In
The most recent solar eclipse occurred on January 4th 2011. It wasn’t visible to
WORK CITED PAGE 9 March 2011: published 2007 11 March 2011 11 March 2011 11 March 2011 11 March 2011
Collies and the life they live

Border collies were developed in the border country between Scotland and England in Great Britain . They were chosen for their instinct to gather stock, or farm animals, and bring them back to their masters. Instinct is what a dog wants to do without being taught. Many herding dogs drive stock forward but the instinct of a border collie is to bring the stock back. Border collies work quietly, with little or no barking. They are energetic and much focused on working. They use their eyes to control the animals.
And border collies are smart. "Because they were chosen for their herding abilities and not their looks, they maintained their intelligence," says David. "They are considered the smartest dogs in the world.
Oh, it's harder than it looks!" They want to work all the time, and this is the problem when people get them as pets," says David. Border collies need work to burn off their energy and to keep their brains busy. Those two things keep them happy.
Work cited Snyder, Rebecca Upjohn. "It's a Dog's Life." Boys Quest Sept. 2010: KidsInfobits. Web. 15 Feb. 2011
Border collie
Border collie, breed of medium-sized, sheepherding dog developed in the British Isles . It stands about 18 in. (45.7 cm) high at the shoulder and weighs from 30 to 45 lb (13.6-20.4 kg). Its double coat consists of a soft, fuzzy under layer and a harsh, very dense, wavy or slightly curly topcoat of varying lengths. Its color is black with white around the neck and on the chest, face, feet, and tip of tail. Bred for many years exclusively to develop its herding instinct, the Border collie is unsurpassed as a sheep dog and has been used with equal success for herding cattle, swine, and poultry. It is exhibited in the miscellaneous class at dog shows sanctioned by the American Kennel Club.
Dance Your Way Through The Years

“Wow look how beautiful this ballet is, I wonder how long it’s been around.”
In the 1400s, ballet was not as we know it today. It was NOT French. It was Italian. Ballet came from
“In 1533 Catherine de Medici married the future King Henri II of
In the late 1500s
By the time the 1800s came along. The ballerinas started to go up on their toes and started to perform the beautiful ballet on pointe. Then in the 19th century Carlota Grisi became the first greatest ballerina. She worked hard by putting extra effort in ballet and making ballet her passion. “Giselle the most famous ballet of the Romantic ballet, was devised by the French writer, Théophile Gautier, for Carlotta Grisi, whom he admired inordinately, likening her to 'a tea-rose about to bloom”
Well there you have it the timeline of ballet. As ballet changed throughout the years, the language of ballet also began.
The language of ballet is interesting. Sure it is never in English, but there is a reason why. English was not known to be “formal.” Now when I heard that English was not known to be “formal” it made me start to think, why? But then it came to me, since ballet was a formal dance, that English wasn’t fancy enough.
There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes of ballet, costumes, make up, hair, and most of all rehearsing. It would be impossible to know everything about ballet. However, we do know enough to pass down stories and continue the beautiful dancing.
% Arabesque