A lunar eclipse happens when the earth comes between the moon and sun. Now I look back at that moment, and wonder why did I act like that. Isn’t it obvious? It’s an eclipse, to be correct a solar eclipse. How did I not know that?? Then it hit me I was only FOUR. I hadn’t started school. I was starting in a few months, so I didn’t even know what 1+1 was. What was I thinking? And, number two, I didn’t know how to spell my name, which was surprising because I was already playing baseball. Lastly number three, I couldn’t write….. now I’m saying to myself I was only four I couldn’t spell my name, I couldn’t write, and I didn’t know what 1+1 was!! Then it hits me again, I was only four.
Some questions I have about lunar eclipses are, why are they called lunar eclipses? , how do they occur? Why do they occur?
Lunar eclipses happen 3 times a year. In order to have a lunar eclipse, the moon has to be in its full phase. The moon, earth, and sun have to be all in a line to be in totality [in that order]. Lunar eclipses are visible over an entire hemisphere. When there is a lunar eclipse you can see the earth’s shadow projected on the moon, the shadow shows that the earth is completely round. In a lunar eclipse, the earth blocks the sunrays from hitting the moon. The longest lunar eclipse lasted 3 hours and 40 minutes. During a lunar eclipse the moon looks red, but its not. The rays get diffused or scattered when they enter the earth’s atmosphere. A solar eclipse always happens two weeks before a lunar eclipse. Some questions I have about solar eclipses are, why are <!--[endif]-->they called solar eclipses? , why are there more lunar eclipses than solar? How and why do they occur? A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes behind the sun and earth. Solar eclipses are only visible through a narrow path of 167 miles wide. So it’s not visible to everyone over an entire hemisphere. A solar eclipse can only occur when there is a new moon. Why? Solar eclipses can occur at least two times a year, but no more than 5. The max time a solar eclipse can take is 7 minutes and 40 seconds.
<!--[endif]-->The Chinese have recorded eclipses for more than 1,000 years!! In
The most recent solar eclipse occurred on January 4th 2011. It wasn’t visible to
http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/sci/A0816707.html 9 March 2011: published 2007 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse 11 March 2011
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_eclipse 11 March 2011
http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/sci/A0857876.html 11 March 2011
http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/sci/A0857875.html 11 March 2011
I really liked how you said i real didn't see it. But I did see it on tape so it was safe. i also liked how you said you were only four and you didn't know what 1+1 was. I thought it was really funny.