Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Erin's MCBA Book Project

Tyler looks out the window of his bedroom and can't believe what he is seeing.
He rubs his eyes. Still there! Some strange people are coming out of the trailer where the hired help usually stays. They have brown skin and black hair, and although they don't wear feathers or carry tomahawks, they sure do look like the American Indians in his history’s textbook last year
in fifth grade.

I think that Tyler is little scared because strangers are trespassing on his farm. This makes me think of how hard it would be if people I didn’t know were randomly walking on my farm (if i had one.) If these people hadn't bin real strangers and Tyler new that they were that hired help I think he would've acted very differently to the site of these people. Although Tyler didn’t know who these people were I think that he handled it very well. If I were Tyler I would be scared that these people were going to hurt me or my family, Tyler might have felt this way to. On the other hand Tyler understands they need to do to save the farm. In addition Return to Sender is a grate book, I highly recommend it

What I'd Say by Aymon

Sometimes people come up to me and say " Why do you wear glasses?" or " Why do your eyes wiggle?" but you know none of that really matters. I think people are almost weirded out because they think I'm different but I'm not. On the inside I'm all the same. So what? I can't see! It doesn't matter as long as I can express my feelings and be a good person. Please don't be weirded out by me and try and take me as on of you because I am.

The Year the Swallows Came Early MCBA Project by Aymon Langlois

"Actually, I'm pretty sure it opens one of the safe deposit boxes at the bank," I told them. " I was just on my way over there.", " That's where treasure is usually kept." Felix said.

I think this is a good way to look at it. I would have to agree with Felix. The bank is where treasure is kept.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

When You Reach Me Project

Riley Dowe

Your letter must tell a story---a true story.
You cannot begin now, as most of it has not yet taken place.
And even afterward, there is no hurry. But do not wait so long
that your memory fades. I require as much detail as you can provide.
The trip is a difficult one, and I must ask my favors while my mind is sound.

A postscript: I know you have shared my first note.
I ask you not to share the others. Please. I do not ask this for myself.

I think Miranda cannot share the notes because, like the letter says,
"I ask you not to share the others. Please. I do
not ask this for myself."
This could mean the future occurrences will get screwed up if she does, and the writer is going to have to give up on the person he asks this for.
The note asks for favors while the writer's mind is sound.
This probably means they are busy trying to figure out what actions to make
during the future occurrences, for it could get twisted.
All of this probably means that every step in the occurrence has to be perfect, and if anything gets messed up, something bad will happen.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Foolhardy is brave but daring,
you'd rather be underwater held by a hering,
because you'll find yourself comparing,
the truth between you and the ignorant, daring.

These fearlessly, bold, vacous people,
find themselfs hanging from a steeple,
casually reading about buisseness people.

You could also find them standing,
on the edge of a cliff,
making a batch of brownies in a jiff,
they do this to scare the people stiff.

Regular people have a sensative bone,
but it might scare you that the foolhardy people dont have that tone,
they jump, they swing,


By: Brynn and Sophie