Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Predjudice in Elijah of Buxton

There was a long time period where African Americans were not greatly appreciated or given freedom or rights. They also faced prejudice. The word makes a lot of sense because the route words (pre judge) is exactly what prejudice means. White people would pre- judge the black people just because they didn't look like "everyone else." They might not have met the person or even talked to them, but just because their skin isn't the same color they assume that they are bad people or blame them all of the time if something goes wrong. An example of prejudice in the book Elijah of Buxton is when Mr. Highgate brought the white stallion that Elijah found to the sheriff in Chatham so that no one could say that they stole him. Elijah says, "Some of the white people 'round here are always trying to blame everything that goes bad on Settlement folks and we waren't looking for no trouble. Prejudice and judgement are the big themes in our Guided Reading books and something to watch for.

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