Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Elijah of Buxton

I read chapters 14, 15 , and 16 in the book Elijah of Buxton, and now I think I have a pretty good idea of what is going to happen in the next part of the book. When Mrs. Holton gives 2,200 dollars to Mr. Leroy to buy his family out of slavery, it seems too good to be true. Then, Mr. Leroy has to figure out how to buy his family out of slavery. When a character named the Preacher, who has proven to be a lying conman-like person throughout the book offers to do it for him, things can't turn out good. No one should trust a man like the preacher but apparently, Mr. Leroy does. I predict that preacher will try to make a run with the money, keep it all to himself, and never return to Buxton again. Another thought I had was that the preacher might spend all the money, and try to convince Mr Leroy that it was the right thing to do. He did the same to Elijah with the fish, so why wouldn't he do it again? Those are my thoughts.


scribe- write

Writing a ten paragraph essay
It will take most of your day
When little kids scribble on the wall
You'll hear the parents call
Writing a letter to a friend
After I go to the post office and send
Authors scribe a story
It might be about Cory
Scribe- write
by: JM

Elijah of Buxton

I think that with all the confusion about the preacher not being a real preacher has something to do with Elijah not receiving a letter. Maybe the preacher stole the letter so that people wont read it and find out that he stole MaWee. There for the letter must have been the people from the carnival trying to contact the police. The Preacher would have stole the letter so that he wouldnt get arrested for kidnapping.
The height above sea,
Its taller then you and me,
Rises high, high above your eyes,
The level above the earth’s surface,
Like the traipse in the circus

By: M Daley, Bridget R, Hannah C, and Regan L.
(Altitude: the height above sea level or the earth’s surface)

Elijah of Buxton

At this part of the story Elijah of Buxton, I thought that Mrs. Holton, a wealthy woman, was trying to set up her landscaper, Mr Leroy. I thought this because recently Mrs Holton's husband had passed away and he was charged for stealing gold, which Mrs. Holton had. She was going to buy him out of freedom with it. But, since he was whipped to death, she didn't have anything to do with the money. I think that she is setting up Mr. Leroy, because if white people come looking for the gold, it would be with Mr. Leroy and not her. Also, Mr Leroy was going to buy his family's freedom with it, and if he uses it all at once, it will be obvious to them that he stole the gold. Meanwhile, Mr. Leroy was going to give a lot of money to the preacher to buy his family's freedom, but Elijah's Pa talked him in to taking Mr. Highgate with him. I think that the preacher will steal the money because he is very greedy, and it says so in the definition.

Elijah of Buxton

In our Guided Reading group we're reading Elijah of Buxton. In one part of the story, Elijah's neighbor, Mrs.Holten gets a mysterious letter in the mail. When it is read by the main character Elijah, Mrs.Holten finds out that her beloved husband has died. Mrs.Holten escaped from bondadge earlier in life, but Mrs.Holten's husband has stayed in bondadge after getting caught when trying to escape. This mysterious letter is from Mrs.Jacob Pool, and I'm wondering who Mrs.Jacob Pool is. Is she one of Mrs.Holten's friends from back on the plantation or is she Mrs.Holten's old owner, and if it is Mrs.Holten's owner how would she know where Mrs. Holten lived? I guess I just have to read more to find out!
Replay, rewind, rerun,
are all the things you do once they've already been done,
Rewrite and revise,
adjust to the perfect size,
Response, reply, retort,
are the same catagory and sort,
Redraft, rephrase, reword,
those words are never un-heard,
All those things might be,
the synoyms for re.
By: LS, JJ

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm reading the book Elijah of Buxton in guided reading. It's getting to the good part. Mr. Leroy just got payed all the money Mrs. Holton had because she was saving it up to buy Mr. Holton out of bondage, but since he died, she gave all the money to Mr. Leroy because he still needs to buy his family out of slavery. He wants to get them out of bondage as quick as possible so I don't think he's thinking right. He told the Preacher he could take the money to a person that helps people buy other people's families out of bondage. At first he told the Preacher he could go alone with his money, but Elijah's dad talked him out of it so now he's bringing Mr. Highgate with him. I know somehow the Preacher is going to steal the money. I'm so confident about it because in the book summary it said he would. I think he's going to pretend he forgot the money back in Buxton when he really has it in his pocket. That way he'll turn around and go back to Buxton. Once he's back he'll probubly frame some inocent person and say they stoll the money when they really didn't. Then he'll take the money home, make up some lie about how he got it, and use it for his own benifit. I think the Preacher is a nasty man all over and would steal the money even if it represented freedom and hard work. I can't wait to see what happens next.


Bio, the story of your life
it's always inside you
It tells the way about you
helps you
inside and outside
you can always learn about it
something you will always know
and always have

by:JG and JW


A hangar is a place where planes are kept
And where the engines are prepped
It's where they are before takeoff
And they make sure something doesn't break off
They have to be repaired before they go
Or it could crash at the toe
Before a plane leaves
You watch how the man heaves
The luggage
Onto the plane

By Tyler P, Troy T, and Shane C

As I walk down the street I see a relaxed person,
Strolling along the neighborhood,
Not worrying about anything,
But they shouldn’t be sauntering along because they are late for their class,
Not in a hurry to get there on time,
Just strolling along every once in a while

By: Jessica S, Meghan D, and Erika M

Monday, March 29, 2010


Greek mythology is not true
Some gods include Hades, Poseidon and even Zeus
Zoology is the study of the animal
Some are the Lion, Rhino and the Camel
Archaeology is the study of bones
One archaeologist is Indiana Jones
Meteorology is the study of weather
Its raining dogs, cats and even feathers!
Ecology is the study of nature
In nature theirs trees, mountains and glaciers

By: Eric C and Brian M

Elijah of Buxton

Currently in Elijah of Buxton, Mrs. Holton got some terribly sad news that her husband died. Everyone in Buxton was so caring. When Elijah and his mother had to deliver the horrible news to Mrs. Holton, they ended up having 12 other people come with them to tell Mrs. Holton that they would always be there for her if she needed them. They brought food with them like pies, corn bread, chicken livers, ham, and dandelion greens. Mrs. Holton was so strong and brave when she was delivered the news, she didn't shed a tear. If my husband died I would definately have cried because I would have lost someone that I really loved and cared for. The actions of everyone coming together and helping Mrs. Holton also tells you a lot more about the community of Buxton. Everyone treats each other like family and reasures and comforts each other in times of sadness.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm reading the book Elijah of Buxton for guided reading. The woman in the settlement really care about eachother. When Mrs. Holton got the letter saying her husband had died, eight woman from the settlement came in nice clothes with food to comfort her. They all stayed while Elijah read the letter, after that to eat the food they brought, and even after that to help her fell better and take her mind off of Mr. Holton death. I think more woman in other towns should have a realationship like the woman in Buxton do. The woman in Buxton take good care of eachother and are very loving.

Friday, March 26, 2010


methodical is original the way to do
everything is right in an ordinary way
the way he runs is his ordinary way
everybody has there methodical way
someone runs like this someone like we are all the same
except for are methodical ways we each have are own ways of getting around
methodical is the most regular way to do something.

by S.S

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Exult is always happy,
and never in dismay,
even on a cloudy day ,
she'll jump up and shout"hooray!"
I'm so happy for you, she'll say
whether you get an F or an A,
For your birthday she'll always be excited,
even if she isn't invited
She can never wait for any date,
she'll jump up and shout "YAY YAY YAY"
she is never shy, she never stoops low,
and for any event she'll put on a show,
the opposite of sad, she's always glad,
she's the loudest friend you've ever had.

by Sam and Jessica

I'm calling you, to see if you want
to come and play, so call me back
when you get this so we can play today,
contact is a way to contact with your friends,
or the joining of two things you didn't,
contact me back so I guess that is a no I'll see you
tomorrow and we can play in the snow!

By: M Daley, Erika M, Emma G
(contact: the condition of being in touch with others)
(contact: the touching or joining of two things)


Run, Run, Run the people zip by
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom the people fly by.
They accelerate down the street
Pitter Patter , Pitter Patter
The sound of running feet
And all the fans are anxouis to see who wins
Everyone's heart accelerates with joy

Accelerate-To go or cause to go faster

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Stall is the word that keeps animals in,
like old glass plates stored up in a bin,
stall is someone who needs more time,
because someone kept her waiting by making up a rhyme,
it's when you loose all of your power,
like when all of the lights turn off in a tower,
stall is being late,
for activities like painting a plate,
a power outage in the mall,
all can't see the young and the tall,
an animal is stuck in one place,
which he is put after the horse race.
L.S, B.R


Maximum is the highest amount.
The number that you could never count.
So high it's up to the sky.
Oh my! maximum is high!
By: Jamie, Hannah, and Julia


solo is one and one only
its fun play by your self
at the end of the day
its reading a book
silently in the night
its home alone
No one else but you
just like I rote this poem
solo exept for Troy

In a community we help one another,
We make things right,
we come together,
There is no way we compare each other,
we are all the same on the inside,
Although life may be complicated,
Helping others is no understatment,
We have completed this poem in honor of you,
So go out and change the world, thats what we hope you do.

By: RL,EM and M Daley


Being sure of yourself through life's high's
And low's, you always keep your headheld high,
You walk into your big test feeling the best!
But don't let your confidence get the best of you,
Confidence is a good thing, but must be in moderation,
Don't become conceeded, or else your confidence will be beaten

By: MD, RL, and DL


Nonchalant is not appearing to care
The people that do it just stand and stare
Not paying attention, just standing there
As if you were a frozen bear
Behind those frozen eyes
You will see blank skies
With nothing in them
They have a lack of concern
But they don't learn
The importance of your words
Nonchalant, not appearing to care


Thursday, March 18, 2010


When it's really cold
You get the flu
You feel like poo
And you need to a chew
You go to the doctor's
You get an antivirus
And your mama stops at the
To pick up some antibotics and antifreeze
When the winter is coming to an end
You want to play with a friend.

In the book the friendship there is a lot of prejudice behavior. like Mr. Tom Bee and John Wallice got into a fight. Mr. Tom Bee got his leg shot of be he lived. Mr. Tom Bee got called the N word a lot from John Wallice. Mr. Tom Bee would not give John Wallice his samin because John would not give him his tabacco.


cent-one hundred

centery is a hundred years
One hundred pennys equals one doller
One penny is one cent
A centenarian is one who is at least 100 years old.
Centenary is 100 anniversarys
4 quarters =100 cents.

In guided reading I'm reading a book called Elijah of Buxton. It is written in slang, so it's sometimes hard to read, but you get used to it. One of the things we're doing for homework is we're writing down the weird words, what we think the words mean, and what they really mean.We are also keeping track of characters. The main charater is Elijah; Eli for short. Eli was the first free born in Buxton. Buxton is in Canada where slaves are free. It was made by slaves to be a free place to go.
In this book there is a nasty, suspicious man called the Preacher. He claims he to be the smartest most educated man in all of Buxton. He also says he can speak to the lord. Eli has a great throwing arm and fantastic aim. The Preacher says it's a gift from the lord. The Preacher says Elijah's arm could help the settlement. I can't wait to see what happens next!


One example of predjudice in Elijah of Buxton, is how the settlement is governed. The settlement does not take charge of their own town, Chatham does. Chatham is a town that's a few miles away from Buxton. Chatham is almost all white, that Means that almost all the salespeople, farmers, and fishermen are white. The largest example of predjudice though, is the government. There is one sherriff, who takes charge of almost everything,and obviously this sheriff is white. Everything in Buxton IS influenced by white people, who made up their rules. Whenever something goes wrong, the people of Chatham are almost always trying to blame it on the blacks. In one part of the book, a runaway horse is found in Buxton. The horse had to be hurried to the sheriff, and cannot be kept or the whites will start trying to blame it on the settlement folks. The adults were worried that a rumor would spread that they had stolen it, and they would get in trouble. The whites judge the blacks as thieves and troublemakers, before they even lay their eyes on them. This is horrible discrimination and prejudice. The people of Buxton are seperate from Chatham, so they should be able to govern themselves and be free of discrimination.


examples of judgement

this line is from the book The Watsons Go To Birmigham-1963
"Is that straight mess more attractive then your own hair?"

By: DL
The Watsons go to Birmingham- 1963

In the Watsons go to Birmingham there is an example of judgement.
In the book the mamma says do YOU like it? Does it make YOU look any better?
Is this straight? Is this straight mess more attractive then your on hair? Did those
chemicals give you better hair then me and your daddy and god give you? That was my
example of judgement. The vip I wrote for it was I think the momma is trying to make
her son not happy about what he did to his hair so he does not do it again.

by: M Daley


"What do you think? What do you think now that you've gone and done it? Does it make you look any better? Is this straight-- momma flicked some of Byrons hair back up to porcupine style-- is this straight mess more attractive than your own hair?" This is an example of prejudice because Momma is saying that Byron is trying to look, or act like a white person when hes black. I think he either just liked the look or Buphead talked him into it because he has a conk too.

By: Tyler Petrillo
examples judgement

did those chemicals give you better-looking hair
than me and your daddy and god gave you?

by S.S


The slave catchers are chasing after me,
They want me to come back to the plantation,
I seek freedom and thats why im running away,
I pursuit a normal life in Philadelphia,
I live a horrible life in Maryland,
Someday i hope to pursue a job as a nurse.

by: MD,SR


Evade is avoiding death,
Trying for it not to happen.
You won't answer
its putting up a fight
with your parents
it's not playing with your
it trying not to write
this poem


Examples Of Judgement

We are reading The Watson's Go To Birmingham-1963 for guided reading. In the book, a boy named Byron came into the house with a handkerchief on. Then his mom and his little brother(Kenny, the narrator of the book) were very suspicious because it was very impolite for men to wear hats or anything on their heads in the house. So his mom told him to take his handkerchief off, and when he took it off his hair was dyed reddish brown. Byron's mom said "Did those chemicals give you better looking-hair than me and your daddy and god gave you. That is one of the quotes in the story. That is an example of judgement. Thanks for reading!

By T.T,J.W, and J.G
Prejudice Behvior
In guided reading I'm reading Elijah. There isn't much prejudice behvior, but we did find one example as a group. One character is Mr. Leoroy. He works for Mrs. Holton. Mrs. Holton was a slave that escpaped with gold sewn into her dress. Since she has all that gold, she's rich. Mr. Leoroy was a slave too. He works for her because he doesn't want to work for the white people in Chathem. I think that's prejudice behavior because he thinks the all white people are like the slave owners. I understand how he might be afraid to go near white people, but he should at least give them a chance. Since he's in Canada, the people there don't have slaves because it's free in Canada. That's why the slaves run from North America to Canada. So the people there couldn't be as mean to blacks as the slave owners. That is one example of prejudice behavior.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Prejudice behavior in, The Watsons Go To Birmingham- 1963
In the Watsons Go To Birmingham there is some prejudice behavior. One of them is on page# 88 in the 2nd paragraph when Momma is talking to Byron about his hair. So she says "Did those chemicals give you better-looking hair than me and your daddy and God gave you?". The judging in that sentence is how she said "did those chemicals give you better-looking hair" because she is judjing that Byron likes his hair, well we know that he does, but what if he does't. Another example of prejudice behavior is on page# 128 on the last sentence when momma said "Well, honey, I can't say it isn't, but an angel's an angel, what do you think?". The judjing in that sentence is how when she said "an angels an angel" because she's judging that an angel can't be black, but an angel can be any color, because the color of skin doesn't matter. That is some prejudice behavior in the book The Watsons Go To Birmingham-1963.

Predjudice in Elijah of Buxton

There was a long time period where African Americans were not greatly appreciated or given freedom or rights. They also faced prejudice. The word makes a lot of sense because the route words (pre judge) is exactly what prejudice means. White people would pre- judge the black people just because they didn't look like "everyone else." They might not have met the person or even talked to them, but just because their skin isn't the same color they assume that they are bad people or blame them all of the time if something goes wrong. An example of prejudice in the book Elijah of Buxton is when Mr. Highgate brought the white stallion that Elijah found to the sheriff in Chatham so that no one could say that they stole him. Elijah says, "Some of the white people 'round here are always trying to blame everything that goes bad on Settlement folks and we waren't looking for no trouble. Prejudice and judgement are the big themes in our Guided Reading books and something to watch for.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Making sure it will be okay
Just checking for another day
To be optimistic
Not pessimistic
Never doubt
That is what life's about
In the mirror checking your lipstick
Reassure, just ask me
Ask anye one and you will see
How easy reassuring can be

Once in a while,
Like driving a mile,
In the rain,
This is not the same,
As driving in the sun,
Having fun,
Occasion, a special event,
Like going to a party,
For my dear friend Marty,
A particular time when,
I was driving a mile,
In the rain,
To my dear friend Marty's party.

Lizzie S, Jamie C

Sign of Race Judgement

In the book Elijah of Buxton, there are lots of conflict. One situation being that a black man, Mr. Leroy, is working for a woman who needs him to do a bunch of housework. He is trying to get alot of money to buy his family out of slavery. And he says that he would get more money if he worked as a farmers assistant but the only option was to work for a white farmer, and work with all white people. Mr. Leroy doesnt get paid as much as he would like to but apparently race is very important to him, so he stays working with Mrs. Holton. Also this book has alot about slavery and how people were treated during those hard times.

Hydro- water

Hydro- water
When your at the beach
You might be eating a peach,
When you watch the dishes
It makes your computer glitch.
When you take a shower or bath
You sometimes just laugh
It comes from somewhere high
Now its time to say goodbye

Hydro- water

Monday, March 15, 2010

Companion is a loyal and trustworthy friend.
They'll always stick with you until the very end.
They are someone you will always have by your side,
You can always look at them to boost your pride.
She'll always enjoy your company,
As you'll enjoy hers
Your companion could also be a sir.
She's never one to humiliate, lie, or desert.
And when you're around her you'll never get hurt,
Your companion is your best friend for life,
So when you pick one you'd better pick right.
By: Hannah, and Jessica

Guided Reading 2

Alot has happened in the book The Watsons go to Birmigham 1963 since the last time i posted!!! There has been punishments, crying, and even killing! Dont worry the killing was not a human who died it was a bird! Byron was throwing swedish creme cookies at the bird because it was a mourning bird and no matter what you throw at the bird it will stay still! Byron threw four cookies at the bird, the last one hit it in the chest and the bird fell dead to the ground. The crying was mostly Joetta, but even some of it was Byron. Byron cried when he killed the bird, and Joetta cried when Byron got in big trouble with Momma! The punishments where mostly for Byron, he lit a match in the house several times and Momma told him if he ever did it again she would burn him, he did it again! There was one last thing that happened alot that I didn't mention and that was bullying and beating kids up, that was definitley done by Byron and Byron's friend Buphead, but it was done to kids, one of those kids included Kenny!! I feel like I will not ever put the book down, and i don't want to!!!!!!!!!


Reluctant is unwilling
You think it won't be thrilling
Cause you ll be chilling
If someone asks you to help them
You will say no that's boring
And keep on snoring
If your parents say do your chores
You would say no its all yours
Reluctant is to refuse to
Whatever you are being told to do
Thanks for not being reluctant to listen!
By Troy T. & Tyler P.


When you get a disease
Medicine will make it cease
Flu, Smallpox and even colds
These are diseases you get when you're young and old
When a baby gets a disease it is often bad
When it is cured people are often glad
No one is sad when sombody has found a cure
The cure will make peoples bodys pure
Disease, a condition of the body or some part of it in which there is an improper function.

By: SS & EC
Bondage is to be forced to be a slave.
You never have freedom to wonder into a cave.
You could try to break free but it is no use,
For you will just get abused.
Bondage is when you stay as a slave.
You could never have any rights.
You would have to obey
By:Hannah and Bridget


Suppose you were to oppose in front of an audience. Know you have to fight for your company or your right. You fight with all might but it is to tight to make a change. you try to act you try to defend you try to know you try to show. If you do not understand then you keep on fighting winners are only people who keep on doing whats right. Opposeing people get through life the hard way not the easy way. If you have an idea then fight for it then if you want to have dreams come true. Opposeing is the best route throught life and pretty much the only way for winners. Losers all take the short way of life because they want to stick to the worst reason. Opposeing is what you do right.
SS & JK & BM

Friday, March 12, 2010

Elijah of Buxton

Have you ever thought about life in the 1800's? In the small, quaint, town of Buxton, Canada Elijah Freeman takes the 1800's ti a whole new level. Elijah is a fragile 11 year old boy who has many hidden talents. The so called "Preacher" tells him that there is such thing as a hoop snake. The Preacher also tells Elijah that if the hoop snake bites you you will explode after a handful of agony.
This book is amazing but it has some language that is hard to identify because of the charecters' southern accents and lack of education. This book taught us about the horrible conditions of slavery in the 1800's. It has also taught us about cival rights. i definitly recomend this book to any high level reader in 5th to 8th grade. This book is great and it has only just started!

Numerous is plentiful,
Constantly full to the very rim
He's never first inline though,
Theres always too many in front of him,
He is overflowing with everything,
Pickles, Pennies, Hens,
He's even full of action figures and multi-colored pens,
When theres too much to see,
Too much to count,
He'll always be there,
Thats no doubt,
He's never alone,
And he's never small,
When he's with others he's standing tall,
He never stands alone
He'll go with the crowd,
Where ever it might take him,
He'll always be around,
He might be slow,
And he might be needy,
But the group loves him,
And he's not leaving,
When you see his crowd pass by,
You might try to count them,
You'll really try,
But in this case you'll always fail,
Because there's too many in the front,
And too many in the tail.

By: Jessica S, Lizzie S


To prohibit is to forbid from a party
You can't get out of it for just saying sorry
Smoking is prohibited
In a restaurant or on a plane
If you break that rule, your life may be in vain
Using bad language is prohibited to say around your peers
Your parents will find out and you will burst into tears
Doing anything against the law is prohibited
Like drinking and driving over the limit
Anything prohibited has to be bad
You break the law and everyone is mad
You do something prohibited get fined or go to jail
When you speed on the road the ticket comes in the mail
Prohibited equals please do not
You go to court and you start to get hot
You sweat you sweat you shiver and your ready to leave
When you do something prohibited you better believe
That if you do something prohibited your bound to get caught
So just remember prohibited means do not
Prohibited means make the right choice
And in your head don't listen to the bad voice
The good one will always be the right one
Never brag even if you just won
In my world bragging is prohibited all the time
Everyone is great,everyone shines
Never do anything prohibited it's not cool
Just cause no one following the rules at school
It does not give you the right to do something wrong
Neither does anything cause prohibit is wrong

By Troy T. and Matt M.


When I get money from my grandparents,

I don’t keep it for myself,

I give it to someone who needs it more than I do,

When I win the lottery I give it up for charity,

My lemonade stand raised a lot of money,

The jar with $107 is no longer mine,

The money I raised from my lemonade stand could help save a life

It’s your turn to donate, so go ahead what are you waiting for??

(Donate: to give not to receive.)

By: EM, EG, and M Daley

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Elijah of Buxton

All of our Guided Reading books are realistic fiction based on the time period were civil rights weren't always given to everyone. Elijah of Buxton is the most engaging book about slavery and civil rights that I have ever read! I also think that that time period is a very interesting time in history to be reading about. The language that the people of Buxton use is sometimes incomprehensible, which makes it all the more fun to read and even lets us have a vocabulary page all about strange and unkown words. The language really tells you about the way they talked in the 1800's. Maybe, the people of Buxton talk like that because they were slaves as children and were never educated.
In Elijah of Buxton a "fra-gile" boy named Elijah has to overcome all of his fears. One night his best friend, Cooter, finds long, wiggly tracks through Mdeah's truck patch. The wacky man that everyone calls, "Preacher" says that they're from the dreaded hoop snake. The hoop snake will bite you, you swell up, and then you EXPLODE! Elijah came running, screaming home!(pg.6) Elijah's "Ma" was very firm with him and told him not to be so scared of everything. I think she could have been a little nicer to him.
But, all of the dynamics change when Mr. Frederick Douglass and John Brown come to town. They're considered famous in Buxton. Although Elijah never says it, I think he looks up to them, because they were fearless, something he wishes he was.


easy to get
ready to use
ready to get the new news
you can go
any show
when your not available
can't go to you're show
I am not ready
to go go go!!!!!!
by: DL

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Guided reading

In the book the Watsons go to Birmigham 1963, 10 year old kenny and his family, momma, dad, Byron, and Joetta, take a trip to Birmigham. The Watsons are a hilarious family that get along well together. The Watsons are also known as the wierd Watsons. I like this book so far because it has detailed sentences, here is an example " when your breath kind of hung frozen like lowing a hunk of smoke and you could walk along and look exactly like a train blowing out big fat chunks of smoke" page 1, kenny. I also like this book so far because it has funny sentences, here is an example " This little knucklehead was kissing his reflection and he got he got his lips stuck" page 14, dad. I cant wait to read more!!

by: sam


Superior, the best of them all
And you rarely see them fall.
They're the stongest of the strong
They win in games like ping pong.
They always make the rules
And they never act like fools.
They rise above others
Even they're mothers.
Superior, excellent of its kind.
By: EC, JW, JG, JM


When you begin something,
what is it called?
It is called an establishment.
Establish means to begin or
to setup something.
Establish also means to show to be true.
What do I mean?
I mean do you be true?
Establish, setup, begin.
Do these words blend in?
Establish to tell the truth,
To be true.
What do these words mean to you?

No discrimination or race
No segregation or hate
Underground Railroad, come to Canada with me
Were you’ll find a job and be free
Slavery is baned, take me by the hand, and I’ll take you on the path to a new land
Let freedom ring, birds will sing, will all of the love that liberation brings.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Guided Reading THEME SEARCH

Can you find examples of prejudice in your guided reading book?

How are the characters treating one another?
How are they acting?
What are they saying? or thinking?

Post a comment or a new post that includes answers to the questions in this post. Include examples straight from your book with the page numbers. Include your thoughts too.

Happy Reading!

Friday, March 5, 2010



Lumber is a tree cut into a plank
Lumber is the dock near the ocean bank
It doesn’t have to be big it could be as small as a nail
But has to be strong enough to support more than a gale
Lumber is the tree house that sits in my yard
When lumber gets burned it always gets charred
Lumber is a waddle like a penguin’s twin
Walks like you have pieces of wood strapped to your shins
Lumber is paper believe it or not
Lumber is the guard rail at the deserted lot
Lumber is the drawers that hold my clothes
Cut up into pieces and I got it from Lowes
Lumber is lumber that’s all we have to say
It’s a walk, its wood, and have a nice day!

By Troy T. and Matt M.
Unwieldy is when you’re hard to handle. Hard to control going up twelve flights of stairs. He Is one tuff guy to handle with only a huff. You try and try but all you get are lies, it’s hard to control without paying a toll. Running around day and night without a sight or a fright. You think you remember him there but all you is stairs, you tell him the rules he does care he makes his own rules without pulling a hair, the rule he makes is obvious it is only no matter how he thinks this is what comes up :
1. there are no rules

Stas Sokolov
And Joey Kirk

Thursday, March 4, 2010


A spectator is always the one on the bleachers,
He’s always the student, and never the teacher.

A spectator watches, listens, and waits,
For the certain date,
That may involve him,
But the chances that date will happen,
Are very slim,
So for now he just waits.

He is the viewer, the watcher, the observer,
Always the one to look over your shoulder,
He witnesses every move that you make,
And when you get boring he takes a break,
So for now he just waits.

A spectator looks upon all your games,
Yet he never gets a turn,
Nor is he asked to join,
So for now he just waits, and he waits, and he waits,
For that certain date,
When he might be invited to play or perform.

But until that certain date,
When he’s asked to join,
He just watches…
And watches…
And waits.

By: Bridget, Hannah, Jessica, and Lizzie

As I look into the miror,
I see someone staring back at me,
Coppying my every move,
I step left she steps right,
As I step out of the miror,
I'm thinking of the girl who is mimicing me,
I wake up the next morning and say
"Oh its just a dreem"

By: Erika, Julia and Meghan Daley


Suspend is when your education comes to an end, only for a little while though crocodile, you have to do something naughty to be suspended, oh, big deal my education ended, suspend has another meaning to, that is a total one more than you, suspend is when you hang from something, like when you are climbing a rope and you stop to take a breather you are now suspending from that rope, you better hope the thing you are suspending from does not descend, because then your life could easily come to an end, just like your education, and if you dont get this poem dont fret it is just a miscommunication.
by: Jamie and Sam

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


When rain terminates a baseball game
A lot of people may think it is lame
A bell terminates a school day
So the kids can go out and play
Traffic terminates important events
One might be when you need to invent
Terminate, to bring or come to an end

By: Jack M, Eric, Joe and Jack W


A bird, with his wings spread wide,
his spirit ascended oh so high
as he flew in the turquoise blue sky,
peeking through the dense clouds.
Just as he is doing this, there’s a sale going on that the store insists, you should not miss. The stock went up high, but the product was as cheap as you could buy.
Up, up high in the sky, the bright sun said goodbye, but the moon had just woken up from his mother’s sweet lullaby and started to rise,
up, up high in the sky.
By: Regan, Meghan D, Devon, and Emma