Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Word Riddle

by Madeline

1. It starts with a letter between e and k.
2. Fill in. Bullies are ______.
3. It has 4 syllables.
4. You would not be like this to your friend.
5. It means to be unfriendly to someone.

Word Riddle

1.It starts with a letter between A-Q.

2.It means to start.

3.It has 3 syllables.

4.It could also meant to be true.

5. It ends with sh.

What am I?

~Caroline Dalton*

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


The character I think is most interesting is Olive. I like Olive because the most because shes a ghost. Olive is a ghost so that allows her to do everything she wants invisibly like mow the lawn. Another reason Ilike Olive is she made Ignatious really happy and before Olive came into the book Ignatious was my favorite character. The second reason I really like Olive is because she has weird opinion changes. Like for example she hated Ignatious so much in the beginning that she dropped a chandaler on him and in the end she was his wife. How do you go from dropping a chandaler on someone to getting married to them? The last reason I really like Olive is because she took care of Seymour and I kinda felt bad for Seymour because his parents left him home on a long, long trip and they didn't want him anymore. Thats why my favorite character is Olive.

Mystery Word Riddle by Writerman AL 1

To do this you have to be good at being sneaky

Harriet Tubman ______ slave catchers all the time

Some people never answer questions so they ________

The word starts with a letter between A and G

Some coaches do this in a press conference

What am I ?