Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Literary Essays by Writerman AL 1

We are trying to do literary essays in class and it is hard and fun

Sunday, January 29, 2012

MCBA Project #4 by Madeline

I think that the theme of the book Operation Redwood is teamwork. Julian and Danny were working together throughout the book. Danny helped Julian come up with a plan to get him to Robin's house, and he wrote a letter to her parents to take him back when Julian was taken away by his evil Aunt Daphne. Also, it wasn't just Julian, Danny, Robin, Molly, or Ariel who protested the cutting down of redwood trees by living in Robin's brothers' tree house. All of the kids did it, and wouldn't have been able to without each other. Ariel taught the rest of the kids how to remember a special moment together. Robin's stubborn streak helped the group to stay in the protest. Danny's funny ways kept the group's spirits up. Molly's cleverness helped the group to fend off Uncle Sibley and his big, burly slave. And Julian, with his grandmother working for the newspaper, helped the group with publicity. All together, the kids made an unbeatable team as they worked together to fight the redwood tree-cutting.

4th MCBA Project on Scat by: Ryan Dieselman

The character of Duane Scrod Jr. changes alot in the duration of "Scat". For example , at the beginnining of the book, Duane is a distant minded, rule breaking, poorly behaved kid. He even threatened Mrs. Starch, his biology teacher. "Get out of my face or you'll be sorry,"he said. Mrs. Starch said that when he brought his biology book it was an improvement. Then he eats Mrs. Starch's pencil. "He could easily have nibbled off my fingers," Mrs. Starch tells Dr. Dresser, the principal. Then Duane skips the field trip the next day.
Somehow, it is Mrs. Starch who creates this new Duane Scrod Jr. "It looks likes he's a whole new person" Marta tells Nick. Marta also tells Nick, " He is even scairer than before" He is kind and neatly groomed. He even apoligizes to Wendell Waxmo , an extreme wacko. Apparantly Mrs. Starch was tuttoring Duane. However, he seems uncomfortable as the center of attention. Those are the changes that Duane Scrod Jr. goes through.

I would give Scat 5 stars!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

I know how Auther feels he has to fit in at a new school. But when he told that lie I thought that he went a little over baord if he wanted why would he tell lie that he was the best dodgeball in the state he all mostlost friends. He almost lost his friends by one of his friends challenges the horde (the best doodgeball players at the school) to a doodge ball match. He wanted to tell his friends that he lied but they kept cuting him off. Then his friends didn't want to be friends with him. so what i think is if he wanted to fit in so bad why didn't he just be himself. that is what I think of Athur.

By Michael Capone

Lost and Found MCBA #4

Lost and Found Theme

By: Rachel L.

I think the theme for the book, Lost and Found should be “don’t be afraid to try new things.” I think that because in the book, Jay wanted to try a new thing because he was tired of always being mistaken for Ray. He wanted to be an individual and NOT Ray’s twin brother! When he told Ray about the idea, Ray thought it was too risky. But he went along with the idea because he too was always being mistaken for Jay. He too wanted to be an individual and NOT Jay’s twin brother! So neither of them were afraid to try a new thing! That’s why I think the theme for this book is “don’t be afraid to try new tings.”

Friday, January 27, 2012

In the book When You Reach Me, there is a girl named Miranda. She is the main character. She lives in an apartment and on the corner of a sidewalk right next to her apartment, there is someone they call the Laughing Man.
The Laughing Man is a homeless person who is always standing near a mailbox. Sometimes he would kick out into the street

Work In Progress...

Long Shot

I think Ned is a total fake. I think he is a fake because he lies. For example he makes Pedro turn over and look bad but he thinks they are friends. He always calls him dude. Also when he passes the ball to him he makes it that Pedro can do nothing with it when he gets it or can not grab the pass. I think he does it because Pedro runs for president against him. He does become nice though at the end when he votes for Pedro to win president. So in the end Ned can be nice but sometimes he is mean.

Joe P

If You're Reading This Its Too Late

I think the theme to the book "If You're Reading This Its Too Late" by Pseudonymous Bosch is perservirance. I think this because Cass and Max Ernest never gave up.Even through the weirdest parts, they never gave up. For example, when they found the homuculus, they were probally weirded out, but they kept on giong." She coldnt believe it was only two feet tall". Cass never gave up, even when The Midnight Sun was looking for the Sound Prism. "She buried it where she buried some of her barbies.". Lastly, she never gave up even when the homoculus ran away. That is why I think the theme to this book is perservirance.
- Brynn

MCBA Project #3 by Madeline Liberman

"Ma sighed a great deal, an impatient noise usually accompanied with a frown at their rough clothes, rundown house, or meager food. Minli could not remember a time when Ma did not sigh; it often made Minli wish she had been called a name that meant gold or fortune instead. Because Minli and her parents, like the village and land around them, were very poor. They were barely able to harvest enough rice to feed themselves, and the only money in the house was two old copper coins that sat in a blue rice bowl with a white rabbit painted on it."

This makes me wonder why Minli and her family don't move to another place, one where crops grow. They could have plenty to eat and not be so poor.
This makes me think that if Minli and her family moved around, they could meet up with the the people in the wealthy, healthy village called Village of Moon Rain. If they only traveled a bit, they could live happily ever after.
I'm starting to think that if the villagers at the base of Fruitless Mountain found the other villagers, then the whole story would be changeed. Minli wouldn't have gone on her huge journey, because she didn't need to find the Old Man of the Moon to ask about her family's wealth. Minli wouldn't have met Dragon, Dragon would not have been set free from the evil monkeys, and he wouldn't have learned to fly! Also, Dragon would not have met up with Jade Dragon, so Fruitless Mountain would stay bare. Minli probably would have stopped believing in her father's "fairy tales" because there had been no chance to prove they really existed!
But on the other hand, if Minli's family had become happy, Ma would not have been so unhappy. She wouldn't have sighed so much.
So what I'm really trying to say is so much would have changed if Minli's family had moved to the Village of the Moon Rain.

Ellie McDoodle

From this book, Ellie McDoodle I can tell that Ellie does not like her cousins. She does not like them because they are annoying and weird. Ellie doesn't say anything mean, she writes it down in her "doodle" book. She needed to write about how annoying her cousins were because she had to go camping with them because her parents went out of town for 2 weeks. So for example, "THEY WOULDN'T EVEN LET ME BRING MY OWN TENT!!!" I think that this book is helping Ellie with her feelings so that she doesn't get into any trouble for saying anything mean to her cousins. Throughout the book her and her cousins have their ups and downs but then she starts liking to hang out with them. I definetly recomend this book to my classmates.


The book the BFG is silly for many reasons. One reason is it does not use the correct grammer, like "is you liking it ". Another reason is it has made up fruits and vegetables , for exsaple a snozz cumber.Another reason is the giants have silly names like the Chewasourous ,the Bottler and the Bone Buddy.That is why the book the BFG is silly.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sunny Holiday~ Sophie Lynch

In the book Sunny Holiday, I can tell that Sunny is very determined to make everyone happy. For example, she is trying to make a holiday once a month, so there are 12 holidays in a year. I know Sunny is determined because because she is very determined to see her dad, and that shows that she really cares about him, even though he went to jail. The book said " Ready to sail?" which means that she turns the whole trip to see her father fun, in her case, a sailing trip!!! Also Sunny believes that her parents will always be famous one day. Her mom is a singer in the choir and Sunny believes that she could be on one of those famous singing TV shows. Sunny said " I know momma would be famous." Sunny's dad is a really great artist and Sunny said " The eyes are the best." You can see the whole persons story in them." So Sunny is kind of showing of her dads talent in a proud way. Also Sunny is very determined to read. She reads every night. Sunny (the name) is herself wrapped in a person. She brings sunshine everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!

MCBA Book project

Peter is a very nice boy. In the book ''Magicans Elephant'' he is a polite,nice,caring boy who is determaned to find his sister who is claimed to be dead.Peter is so nice he should be put in other books with other nice characters.
In I.Q., I think that it seems strange that Q and Angela's parents have to leave them behind when they go on a concert tour.
For example, I think Q and Angela have a right to come with their own parents on their OWN tour. I also think it is unfair that Boone is responsible for Q and Angela during that time. Maybe Q and Angela got left behind because their parents would be too busy to make sure their kids were safe.
It does indeed seem strange that Q and Angela couldn't go on the tour.


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Leanin' Dog Book Comments 4th MCBA

The Leanin' Dog was a very touching book to me and I would give it a five star rating. Go Dogs!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ellie McDoodle: Have pen, will travel

Caroline Dalton*

This is so cool. It's like we own the forest. The trees bow to our will.

This makes me think that there is no limit to our imagination. I realize that nothing can stop our thoughts. The idea this gives me is that if you let your imagination run free you can have so much fun. I love how the author puts it. Ellie and he family really know how to have a fun time. I love this book.